LethalCompany/Lethal Company/ExportedProject/Assets/Editor/AssetRipperPatches/AudioMixerPostprocessor.cs

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2023-12-22 22:51:17 +00:00
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace AssetRipperPatches.Editor
/// <summary>
/// This script is AssetRipper's patch for exported audio effects to recover effect parameter names when Unity imports each audio mixer.
/// Unity does not serialize the parameter names in a release asset, so it is impossible to recover them by AssetRipper.
/// Fortunately, there is an internal function <c>AudioMixerEffectController.PreallocateGUIDs</c> in UnityEditor.dll, which can help us.
/// This function is used by Unity Editor when creating a new audio effect. It collects a list of runtime audio effects,
/// retrieves parameter definitions for each, and updates the parameter names and GUIDs in the caller AudioMixerEffectController.
/// Moreover, this function won't update the GUID for a parameter if it already has a non-empty GUID,
/// which is the case in exported audio effects, perfectly matching our needs.
/// </summary>
public class AudioMixerPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor
private static readonly Type AudioMixerEffectControllerType;
private static readonly MethodInfo PreallocateGUIDsMethod;
private static readonly MethodInfo GetAudioEffectNamesMethod;
static AudioMixerPostprocessor()
Assembly editorAssembly = typeof(AssetPostprocessor).Assembly;
AudioMixerEffectControllerType = editorAssembly.GetType("UnityEditor.Audio.AudioMixerEffectController", true);
PreallocateGUIDsMethod = AudioMixerEffectControllerType.GetMethod("PreallocateGUIDs", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (PreallocateGUIDsMethod == null)
Debug.LogError("AudioMixerEffectController.PreallocateGUIDs() method is missing in this version of Unity. Audio effect parameter values will be reset to default.");
Type mixerEffectDefinitionsType = editorAssembly.GetType("UnityEditor.Audio.MixerEffectDefinitions", true);
GetAudioEffectNamesMethod = mixerEffectDefinitionsType.GetMethod("GetAudioEffectNames", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)
if (PreallocateGUIDsMethod == null) return;
bool printEffectNames = GetAudioEffectNamesMethod != null;
foreach (string importedAsset in importedAssets)
if (importedAsset.EndsWith(".mixer"))
foreach (Object asset in AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(importedAsset))
if (asset.GetType() == AudioMixerEffectControllerType)
if (printEffectNames)
printEffectNames = false;
string[] effectNames = (string[])GetAudioEffectNamesMethod.Invoke(null, new object[0]);
Debug.LogFormat("MixerEffectDefinitions.GetAudioEffectNames returns [{0}]", String.Join(", ", effectNames));
PreallocateGUIDsMethod.Invoke(asset, new object[0]);
Debug.LogFormat("AudioMixerEffectController.PreallocateGUIDs has been called on {0}", asset);