using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace DunGen { public sealed class TileProxy { private List doorways = new List(); public GameObject Prefab { get; private set; } public Tile PrefabTile { get; private set; } public TilePlacementData Placement { get; internal set; } public DoorwayProxy Entrance { get; private set; } public DoorwayProxy Exit { get; private set; } public ReadOnlyCollection Doorways { get; private set; } public IEnumerable UsedDoorways => doorways.Where((DoorwayProxy d) => d.Used); public IEnumerable UnusedDoorways => doorways.Where((DoorwayProxy d) => !d.Used); public TileProxy(TileProxy existingTile) { Prefab = existingTile.Prefab; PrefabTile = existingTile.PrefabTile; Placement = new TilePlacementData(existingTile.Placement); Doorways = new ReadOnlyCollection(doorways); foreach (DoorwayProxy doorway in existingTile.doorways) { DoorwayProxy doorwayProxy = new DoorwayProxy(this, doorway); doorways.Add(doorwayProxy); if (existingTile.Entrance == doorway) { Entrance = doorwayProxy; } if (existingTile.Exit == doorway) { Exit = doorwayProxy; } } } public TileProxy(GameObject prefab, bool ignoreSpriteRendererBounds, Vector3 upVector) { prefab.transform.localPosition =; prefab.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; Prefab = prefab; PrefabTile = prefab.GetComponent(); if (PrefabTile == null) { PrefabTile = prefab.AddComponent(); } Placement = new TilePlacementData(); Doorways = new ReadOnlyCollection(doorways); Doorway[] componentsInChildren = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInChildren.Length; i++) { Doorway doorway = componentsInChildren[i]; Vector3 position = doorway.transform.position; Quaternion rotation = doorway.transform.rotation; DoorwayProxy doorwayProxy = new DoorwayProxy(this, i, doorway, position, rotation); doorways.Add(doorwayProxy); if (PrefabTile.Entrance == doorway) { Entrance = doorwayProxy; } if (PrefabTile.Exit == doorway) { Exit = doorwayProxy; } } Bounds bounds = ((!(PrefabTile != null) || !PrefabTile.OverrideAutomaticTileBounds) ? UnityUtil.CalculateProxyBounds(Prefab, ignoreSpriteRendererBounds, upVector) : PrefabTile.TileBoundsOverride); if (bounds.size.x <= 0f || bounds.size.y <= 0f || bounds.size.z <= 0f) { Debug.LogError($"Tile prefab '{prefab}' has automatic bounds that are zero or negative in size. The bounding volume for this tile will need to be manually defined.", prefab); } Placement.LocalBounds = UnityUtil.CondenseBounds(bounds, Prefab.GetComponentsInChildren()); } public void PositionBySocket(DoorwayProxy myDoorway, DoorwayProxy otherDoorway) { Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.LookRotation(-otherDoorway.Forward, otherDoorway.Up); Placement.Rotation = quaternion * Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.Inverse(Placement.Rotation) * (Placement.Rotation * myDoorway.LocalRotation)); Vector3 position = otherDoorway.Position; Placement.Position = position - (myDoorway.Position - Placement.Position); } private Vector3 CalculateOverlap(TileProxy other) { Bounds bounds = Placement.Bounds; Bounds bounds2 = other.Placement.Bounds; float a = bounds.max.x - bounds2.min.x; float b = bounds2.max.x - bounds.min.x; float a2 = bounds.max.y - bounds2.min.y; float b2 = bounds2.max.y - bounds.min.y; float a3 = bounds.max.z - bounds2.min.z; return new Vector3(z: Mathf.Min(a3, bounds2.max.z - bounds.min.z), x: Mathf.Min(a, b), y: Mathf.Min(a2, b2)); } public bool IsOverlapping(TileProxy other, float maxOverlap) { Vector3 vector = CalculateOverlap(other); return Mathf.Min(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z) > maxOverlap; } public bool IsOverlappingOrOverhanging(TileProxy other, AxisDirection upDirection, float maxOverlap) { Vector3 vector = UnityUtil.CalculatePerAxisOverlap(other.Placement.Bounds, Placement.Bounds); float num; switch (upDirection) { case AxisDirection.PosX: case AxisDirection.NegX: num = Mathf.Min(vector.y, vector.z); break; case AxisDirection.PosY: case AxisDirection.NegY: num = Mathf.Min(vector.x, vector.z); break; case AxisDirection.PosZ: case AxisDirection.NegZ: num = Mathf.Min(vector.x, vector.y); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("AxisDirection '" + upDirection.ToString() + "' is not implemented"); } return num > maxOverlap; } } }