using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using GameNetcodeStuff; using Netcode.Transports.Facepunch; using Steamworks; using Steamworks.Data; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; public class GameNetworkManager : MonoBehaviour { public int gameVersionNum = 1; public int compatibleFileCutoffVersion; public bool AlwaysDisplayNews = true; public bool isDemo; [Space(5f)] public bool SendExceptionsToServer; [Space(5f)] public bool disableSteam; private FacepunchTransport transport; public List steamIdsInLobby = new List(); public HostSettings lobbyHostSettings; public int connectedPlayers; public int maxAllowedPlayers = 4; private bool hasSubscribedToConnectionCallbacks; public bool gameHasStarted; public PlayerControllerB localPlayerController; public int disconnectReason; public string username; public bool isDisconnecting; public bool firstTimeInMenu = true; public bool isHostingGame; public bool waitingForLobbyDataRefresh; public int playersInRefreshedLobby; public string steamLobbyName; public const string LCchallengeFileName = "LCChallengeFile"; public const string LCsaveFile1Name = "LCSaveFile1"; public const string LCsaveFile2Name = "LCSaveFile2"; public const string LCsaveFile3Name = "LCSaveFile3"; public const string generalSaveDataName = "LCGeneralSaveData"; public string currentSaveFileName = "LCSaveFile1"; public int saveFileNum; public AudioClip buttonCancelSFX; public AudioClip buttonSelectSFX; public AudioClip buttonPressSFX; public AudioClip buttonTuneSFX; public bool disallowConnection; public string disconnectionReasonMessage; public bool localClientWaitingForApproval; public bool disapprovedClientThisFrame; private string previousLogErrorString; public static GameNetworkManager Instance { get; private set; } public Lobby? currentLobby { get; private set; } private void LogCallback(string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type) { if ((type != LogType.Exception && type != 0) || HUDManager.Instance == null || localPlayerController == null) { return; } string text = condition + stackTrace.Substring(0, Mathf.Clamp(200, 0, stackTrace.Length)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(previousLogErrorString) || !(text == previousLogErrorString)) { previousLogErrorString = text; if (!SendExceptionsToServer) { HUDManager.Instance.AddToErrorLog(text, (int)localPlayerController.playerClientId); return; } HUDManager.Instance.SendErrorMessageServerRpc(text, (int)localPlayerController.playerClientId); HUDManager.Instance.AddToErrorLog(text, (int)localPlayerController.playerClientId); } } private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; StartCoroutine(waitFrameBeforeFindingUsername()); if (compatibleFileCutoffVersion > gameVersionNum) { Debug.LogError("The compatible file cutoff version was higher than the game version number. This should not happen!!"); compatibleFileCutoffVersion = gameVersionNum; } for (int i = 1; i < 50; i++) { Debug.Log($"Week #{i} name: {GetNameForWeekNumber(i)}"); } } else { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(base.gameObject); } } private IEnumerator waitFrameBeforeFindingUsername() { yield return null; yield return null; if (!disableSteam) { string text = SteamClient.Name.ToString(); if (text.Length > 18) { text.Remove(15, text.Length - 15); text += "..."; } username = text; } else { username = "PlayerName"; } } public int GetWeekNumber() { DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(2023, 12, 11); DateTime dateTime2; try { dateTime2 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime.Today); } catch (Exception arg) { Debug.LogError($"Unable to get UTC time; defaulting to system date time; {arg}"); dateTime2 = DateTime.Today; } return (int)((dateTime - dateTime2).TotalDays / 7.0); } public string GetNameForWeekNumber(int overrideWeekNum = -1) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); System.Random random = ((overrideWeekNum == -1) ? new System.Random(GetWeekNumber()) : new System.Random(overrideWeekNum)); List list = "BCDFGKLMNPSTVZHRW".ToCharArray().ToList(); List list2 = "AEIOU".ToCharArray().ToList(); int num = 0; int num2 = 1; char c = 'a'; int num3 = ((random.Next(0, 100) >= 40) ? random.Next(3, 8) : random.Next(3, 5)); for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { int num4 = 5; if (list.Contains(c)) { num4 -= 2; } if (c == 'O' || c == 'E') { num4--; } if (random.Next(0, num4) > num2) { if (random.Next(0, 100) < 40) { if (!list.Contains('Y')) { list.Add('Y'); list.Add('J'); list.Add('X'); list.Add('Q'); } } else if (list.Contains('Y')) { list.Remove('Y'); list.Remove('J'); list.Remove('X'); list.Remove('Q'); } bool flag = false; char c2 = char.ToUpper(c); int num5 = list.Count; while (num5 > 0) { char c3 = list[random.Next(0, list.Count)]; if (list.Count == 1 || num > 1 || random.Next(0, 100) < 33 || c2 == 'Q' || c2 == 'K' || (c2 == 'Q' && c3 == 'B') || (c2 == 'H' && c3 == 'P') || (c2 == 'I' && c3 == 'W')) { list.Remove(c3); num5--; num = 0; flag = true; Debug.Log($"removed {c3} from list"); continue; } c = c3; break; } if (flag) { list = "BCDFGJKLMNPSTVZHRW".ToCharArray().ToList(); } if (c == c2) { num++; } num2++; } else { bool flag2 = false; char c2 = char.ToUpper(c); int num6 = list2.Count; while (num6 > 0) { char c3 = list2[random.Next(0, list2.Count)]; if ((list2.Count == 1 && c2 == 'U' && c3 == 'U') || (c2 == 'I' && c3 == 'I') || (c2 == 'I' && c3 == 'U' && i == 1)) { list2.Remove(c3); num6--; flag2 = true; continue; } c = c3; break; } num2 = 1; if (flag2) { list2 = "AEIOU".ToCharArray().ToList(); } } if (i != 0) { c = char.ToLower(c); } stringBuilder.Append(c); } return stringBuilder.ToString() + "-" + random.Next(1, 99); } private void Start() { GetComponent().NetworkConfig.ProtocolVersion = (ushort)gameVersionNum; if ((bool)GetComponent()) { transport = GetComponent(); } else { Debug.Log("Facepunch transport is disabled."); } saveFileNum = ES3.Load("SelectedFile", "LCGeneralSaveData", 0); switch (saveFileNum) { case -1: currentSaveFileName = "LCChallengeFile"; break; case 0: currentSaveFileName = "LCSaveFile1"; break; case 1: currentSaveFileName = "LCSaveFile2"; break; case 2: currentSaveFileName = "LCSaveFile3"; break; default: currentSaveFileName = "LCSaveFile1"; break; } } private void OnEnable() { Application.logMessageReceived += LogCallback; if (!disableSteam) { Debug.Log("subcribing to steam callbacks"); SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyCreated += SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyCreated; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyMemberJoined += SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberJoined; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyMemberLeave += SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberLeave; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyInvite += SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyInvite; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyGameCreated += SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyGameCreated; SteamFriends.OnGameLobbyJoinRequested += SteamFriends_OnGameLobbyJoinRequested; } } private void OnDisable() { Application.logMessageReceived -= LogCallback; if (!disableSteam) { Debug.Log("unsubscribing from steam callbacks"); SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyCreated -= SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyCreated; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyMemberJoined -= SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberJoined; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyMemberLeave -= SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberLeave; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyInvite -= SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyInvite; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyGameCreated -= SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyGameCreated; SteamFriends.OnGameLobbyJoinRequested -= SteamFriends_OnGameLobbyJoinRequested; } } public void SetSteamFriendGrouping(string groupName, int groupSize, string steamDisplay) { _ = disableSteam; } private void ConnectionApproval(NetworkManager.ConnectionApprovalRequest request, NetworkManager.ConnectionApprovalResponse response) { Debug.Log("Connection approval callback! Game version of client request: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(request.Payload).ToString()); Debug.Log($"Joining client id: {request.ClientNetworkId}; Local/host client id: {NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId}"); if (request.ClientNetworkId == NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId) { Debug.Log("Stopped connection approval callback, as the client in question was the host!"); return; } bool flag = !disallowConnection; if (flag) { string @string = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(request.Payload); string[] array = @string.Split(","); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string)) { response.Reason = "Unknown; please verify your game files."; flag = false; } else if (Instance.connectedPlayers >= 4) { response.Reason = "Lobby is full!"; flag = false; } else if (Instance.gameHasStarted) { response.Reason = "Game has already started!"; flag = false; } else if (Instance.gameVersionNum.ToString() != array[0]) { response.Reason = $"Game version mismatch! Their version: {gameVersionNum}. Your version: {array[0]}"; flag = false; } else if (!disableSteam && (StartOfRound.Instance == null || array.Length < 2 || StartOfRound.Instance.KickedClientIds.Contains((ulong)Convert.ToInt64(array[1])))) { response.Reason = "You cannot rejoin after being kicked."; flag = false; } } else { response.Reason = "The host was not accepting connections."; } Debug.Log($"Approved connection?: {flag}. Connected players #: {Instance.connectedPlayers}"); Debug.Log("Disapproval reason: " + response.Reason); response.CreatePlayerObject = false; response.Approved = flag; response.Pending = false; } private void Singleton_OnClientDisconnectCallback(ulong clientId) { Debug.Log("Disconnect callback called"); Debug.Log($"Is server: {NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer}; ishost: {NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost}; isConnectedClient: {NetworkManager.Singleton.IsConnectedClient}"); if (NetworkManager.Singleton == null) { Debug.Log("Network singleton is null!"); return; } if (clientId == NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId && localClientWaitingForApproval) { OnLocalClientConnectionDisapproved(clientId); return; } if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer) { Debug.Log($"Disconnect callback called in gamenetworkmanager; disconnecting clientId: {clientId}"); if (StartOfRound.Instance != null && !StartOfRound.Instance.ClientPlayerList.ContainsKey(clientId)) { Debug.Log("A Player disconnected but they were not in clientplayerlist"); return; } if (clientId == NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId) { Debug.Log("Disconnect callback called for local client; ignoring."); return; } if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer) { connectedPlayers--; } } if (StartOfRound.Instance != null) { StartOfRound.Instance.OnClientDisconnect(clientId); } Debug.Log("Disconnect callback from networkmanager in gamenetworkmanager"); } private void OnLocalClientConnectionDisapproved(ulong clientId) { localClientWaitingForApproval = false; Debug.Log($"Local client connection denied; clientId: {clientId}; reason: {disconnectionReasonMessage.ToString()}"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NetworkManager.Singleton.DisconnectReason)) { disconnectionReasonMessage = NetworkManager.Singleton.DisconnectReason; } UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: false); LeaveCurrentSteamLobby(); SetInstanceValuesBackToDefault(); if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsConnectedClient) { Debug.Log("Calling shutdown(true) on server in OnLocalClientDisapproved"); NetworkManager.Singleton.Shutdown(discardMessageQueue: true); } } private void Singleton_OnClientConnectedCallback(ulong clientId) { if (!(NetworkManager.Singleton == null)) { Debug.Log("Client connected callback in gamenetworkmanager"); if (NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer) { connectedPlayers++; } if (StartOfRound.Instance != null) { StartOfRound.Instance.OnClientConnect(clientId); } } } public void SubscribeToConnectionCallbacks() { if (!hasSubscribedToConnectionCallbacks) { NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientConnectedCallback += Instance.Singleton_OnClientConnectedCallback; NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += Instance.Singleton_OnClientDisconnectCallback; hasSubscribedToConnectionCallbacks = true; } } public void SteamFriends_OnGameLobbyJoinRequested(Lobby lobby, SteamId id) { if (UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType() == null) { return; } if (!Instance.currentLobby.HasValue) { Debug.Log("JOIN REQUESTED through steam invite"); Debug.Log($"lobby id: {lobby.Id}"); LobbySlot.JoinLobbyAfterVerifying(lobby, lobby.Id); return; } Debug.Log("Attempted to join by Steam invite request, but already in a lobby."); MenuManager menuManager = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (menuManager != null) { menuManager.DisplayMenuNotification("You are already in a lobby!", "Back"); } Instance.currentLobby.Value.Leave(); Instance.currentLobby = null; } public bool LobbyDataIsJoinable(Lobby lobby) { string data = lobby.GetData("vers"); if (data != Instance.gameVersionNum.ToString()) { Debug.Log($"Lobby join denied! Attempted to join vers.{data} lobby id: {lobby.Id}"); UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: false, RoomEnter.DoesntExist, $"The server host is playing on version {data} while you are on version {Instance.gameVersionNum}."); return false; } Friend[] array = SteamFriends.GetBlocked().ToArray(); if (array != null) { for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Debug.Log($"blocked users {i}: {array[i].Name}; id: {array[i].Id}"); if (lobby.IsOwnedBy(array[i].Id)) { UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: false, RoomEnter.DoesntExist, "An error occured!"); return false; } } } else { Debug.Log("Blocked users list is null"); } if (lobby.GetData("joinable") == "false") { Debug.Log("Lobby join denied! Host lobby is not joinable"); UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: false, RoomEnter.DoesntExist, "The server host has already landed their ship, or they are still loading in."); return false; } if (lobby.MemberCount >= 4 || lobby.MemberCount < 1) { Debug.Log($"Lobby join denied! Too many members in lobby! {lobby.Id}"); UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: false, RoomEnter.Full, "The server is full!"); return false; } Debug.Log($"Lobby join accepted! Lobby id {lobby.Id} is OK"); return true; } public IEnumerator TimeOutLobbyRefresh() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(7f); waitingForLobbyDataRefresh = false; UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: false, RoomEnter.Error, "Error! Could not get the lobby data. Are you offline?"); SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyDataChanged -= LobbySlot.OnLobbyDataRefresh; } private void SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberJoined(Lobby lobby, Friend friend) { if (Instance.currentLobby.HasValue) { Friend[] array = Instance.currentLobby.Value.Members.ToArray(); if (array != null) { for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (!steamIdsInLobby.Contains(array[i].Id)) { steamIdsInLobby.Add(array[i].Id); } } } } Debug.Log($"Player joined w steamId: {friend.Id}"); if (StartOfRound.Instance != null) { QuickMenuManager quickMenuManager = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (quickMenuManager != null) { string input = NoPunctuation(friend.Name); input = Regex.Replace(input, "[^\\w\\._]", ""); quickMenuManager.AddUserToPlayerList(friend.Id, input, StartOfRound.Instance.connectedPlayersAmount); } } } private string NoPunctuation(string input) { return new string(input.Where((char c) => char.IsLetter(c)).ToArray()); } private void SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberLeave(Lobby lobby, Friend friend) { if (!steamIdsInLobby.Contains(friend.Id)) { steamIdsInLobby.Remove(friend.Id); } } private void SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyGameCreated(Lobby lobby, uint arg2, ushort arg3, SteamId arg4) { } private void SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyInvite(Friend friend, Lobby lobby) { Debug.Log($"You got invited by {friend.Name} to join {lobby.Id}"); } private void SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyCreated(Result result, Lobby lobby) { if (result != Result.OK) { Debug.LogError($"Lobby could not be created! {result}", this); } lobby.SetData("name", lobbyHostSettings.lobbyName.ToString()); lobby.SetData("vers", Instance.gameVersionNum.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lobbyHostSettings.serverTag)) { lobby.SetData("tag", lobbyHostSettings.serverTag); } else { lobby.SetData("tag", "none"); } if (lobbyHostSettings.isLobbyPublic) { lobby.SetPublic(); } else { lobby.SetPrivate(); lobby.SetFriendsOnly(); } lobby.SetJoinable(b: false); Instance.currentLobby = lobby; steamLobbyName = lobby.GetData("name"); Debug.Log("Lobby has been created"); } public void LeaveLobbyAtGameStart() { if (!Instance.currentLobby.HasValue) { Debug.Log("Current lobby is null. (Attempted to close lobby at game start)"); } else { LeaveCurrentSteamLobby(); } } public void SetLobbyJoinable(bool joinable) { if (!Instance.currentLobby.HasValue) { Debug.Log($"Current lobby is null. (Attempted to set lobby joinable {joinable}.)"); return; } Instance.currentLobby.Value.SetJoinable(joinable); if (StartOfRound.Instance != null && currentSaveFileName == "LCChallengeFile") { Instance.currentLobby.Value.SetData("chal", "t"); } else { Instance.currentLobby.Value.SetData("chal", "f"); } } public void SetCurrentLobbyNull() { currentLobby = null; } private void OnApplicationQuit() { try { ES3.Save("SelectedFile", saveFileNum, "LCGeneralSaveData"); Disconnect(); } catch (Exception arg) { Debug.LogError($"Error while disconnecting: {arg}"); } if (DiscordController.Instance != null) { DiscordController.Instance.UpdateStatus(clear: true); } } public void Disconnect() { if (!isDisconnecting && !(StartOfRound.Instance == null)) { isDisconnecting = true; if (isHostingGame) { disallowConnection = true; } StartDisconnect(); SaveGame(); if (NetworkManager.Singleton == null) { Debug.Log("Server is not active; quitting to main menu"); ResetGameValuesToDefault(); SceneManager.LoadScene("MainMenu"); } else { StartCoroutine(DisconnectProcess()); } } } private IEnumerator DisconnectProcess() { Debug.Log($"Shutting down and disconnecting from server. Is host?: {NetworkManager.Singleton.IsServer}"); NetworkManager.Singleton.Shutdown(); yield return new WaitUntil(() => !NetworkManager.Singleton.ShutdownInProgress); ResetGameValuesToDefault(); SceneManager.LoadScene("MainMenu"); } private void StartDisconnect() { if (!disableSteam) { Debug.Log("Leaving current lobby"); LeaveCurrentSteamLobby(); steamLobbyName = SteamClient.Name; } if (DiscordController.Instance != null) { DiscordController.Instance.UpdateStatus(clear: true); } Debug.Log("Disconnecting and setting networkobjects to destroy with owner"); NetworkObject[] array = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(includeInactive: true); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i].DontDestroyWithOwner = false; } Terminal terminal = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (terminal != null && terminal.displayingSteamKeyboard) { SteamUtils.OnGamepadTextInputDismissed -= terminal.OnGamepadTextInputDismissed_t; } } public void SaveGame() { SaveLocalPlayerValues(); SaveGameValues(); } private void ResetGameValuesToDefault() { ResetUnlockablesListValues(); ResetStaticVariables(); if (StartOfRound.Instance != null) { StartOfRound.Instance.OnLocalDisconnect(); } SetInstanceValuesBackToDefault(); } public void ResetStaticVariables() { SprayPaintItem.sprayPaintDecals.Clear(); SprayPaintItem.sprayPaintDecalsIndex = 0; SprayPaintItem.previousSprayDecal = null; } public void ResetUnlockablesListValues() { if (!(StartOfRound.Instance != null)) { return; } Debug.Log("Resetting unlockables list!"); List unlockables = StartOfRound.Instance.unlockablesList.unlockables; for (int i = 0; i < unlockables.Count; i++) { unlockables[i].hasBeenUnlockedByPlayer = false; if (unlockables[i].unlockableType == 1) { unlockables[i].placedPosition =; unlockables[i].placedRotation =; unlockables[i].hasBeenMoved = false; unlockables[i].inStorage = false; } } } private void SaveLocalPlayerValues() { try { if (HUDManager.Instance != null) { if (HUDManager.Instance.setTutorialArrow) { ES3.Save("FinishedShockMinigame", PatcherTool.finishedShockMinigame, "LCGeneralSaveData"); } if (HUDManager.Instance.hasSetSavedValues) { ES3.Save("PlayerLevel", HUDManager.Instance.localPlayerLevel, "LCGeneralSaveData"); ES3.Save("PlayerXPNum", HUDManager.Instance.localPlayerXP, "LCGeneralSaveData"); } } } catch (Exception arg) { Debug.Log($"ERROR occured while saving local player values!: {arg}"); } } public void ResetSavedGameValues() { if (!isHostingGame) { return; } TimeOfDay timeOfDay = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (timeOfDay != null) { ES3.Save("GlobalTime", 100, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("QuotaFulfilled", 0, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("QuotasPassed", 0, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("ProfitQuota", timeOfDay.quotaVariables.startingQuota, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("DeadlineTime", (int)(timeOfDay.totalTime * (float)timeOfDay.quotaVariables.deadlineDaysAmount), currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("GroupCredits", timeOfDay.quotaVariables.startingCredits, currentSaveFileName); } ES3.Save("CurrentPlanetID", 0, currentSaveFileName); StartOfRound startOfRound = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (!(startOfRound != null)) { return; } ES3.DeleteKey("UnlockedShipObjects", Instance.currentSaveFileName); for (int i = 0; i < startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables.Count; i++) { if (startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableType == 1) { ES3.DeleteKey("ShipUnlockMoved_" + startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableName, currentSaveFileName); ES3.DeleteKey("ShipUnlockStored_" + startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableName, currentSaveFileName); ES3.DeleteKey("ShipUnlockPos_" + startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableName, currentSaveFileName); ES3.DeleteKey("ShipUnlockRot_" + startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableName, currentSaveFileName); } } ResetUnlockablesListValues(); ES3.Save("RandomSeed", startOfRound.randomMapSeed + 1, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("Stats_DaysSpent", 0, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("Stats_Deaths", 0, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("Stats_ValueCollected", 0, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("Stats_StepsTaken", 0, currentSaveFileName); } private void SaveGameValues() { if (StartOfRound.Instance.isChallengeFile && Instance.gameHasStarted) { ES3.Save("FinishedChallenge", value: true, "LCChallengeFile"); int num = 0; if ((float)StartOfRound.Instance.GetValueOfAllScrap() <= RoundManager.Instance.totalScrapValueInLevel && !StartOfRound.Instance.allPlayersDead) { num = StartOfRound.Instance.GetValueOfAllScrap(); } if (!StartOfRound.Instance.displayedLevelResults || !StartOfRound.Instance.hasPlayerEnteredFactory) { ES3.Save("ProfitEarned", 0, "LCChallengeFile"); } else { Debug.Log($"Saved challenge score as {num}; total scrap in level: {RoundManager.Instance.totalScrapValueInLevel}"); ES3.Save("ProfitEarned", num, "LCChallengeFile"); } } if (!isHostingGame) { return; } if (!ES3.KeyExists("FileGameVers", currentSaveFileName)) { ES3.Save("FileGameVers", Instance.gameVersionNum, currentSaveFileName); } if (!StartOfRound.Instance.inShipPhase) { return; } if (StartOfRound.Instance.isChallengeFile) { ES3.Save("SetChallengeFileMoney", value: true, Instance.currentSaveFileName); if (Instance.gameHasStarted) { ES3.Save("FinishedChallenge", value: true, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("ProfitEarned", StartOfRound.Instance.GetValueOfAllScrap(), currentSaveFileName); } return; } try { TimeOfDay timeOfDay = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (timeOfDay != null) { ES3.Save("QuotaFulfilled", timeOfDay.quotaFulfilled, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("QuotasPassed", timeOfDay.timesFulfilledQuota, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("ProfitQuota", timeOfDay.profitQuota, currentSaveFileName); } ES3.Save("CurrentPlanetID", StartOfRound.Instance.currentLevelID, currentSaveFileName); Terminal terminal = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (terminal != null) { ES3.Save("GroupCredits", terminal.groupCredits, currentSaveFileName); if (terminal.unlockedStoryLogs.Count > 0) { ES3.Save("StoryLogs", terminal.unlockedStoryLogs.ToArray(), currentSaveFileName); } if (terminal.scannedEnemyIDs.Count > 0) { ES3.Save("EnemyScans", terminal.scannedEnemyIDs.ToArray(), currentSaveFileName); } } StartOfRound startOfRound = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (startOfRound != null) { List list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables.Count; i++) { if (startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].hasBeenUnlockedByPlayer || startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].hasBeenMoved || startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].inStorage) { list.Add(i); } if (startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].IsPlaceable) { if (startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].canBeStored) { ES3.Save("ShipUnlockStored_" + startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableName, startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].inStorage, currentSaveFileName); } if (startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].hasBeenMoved) { ES3.Save("ShipUnlockMoved_" + startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableName, startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].hasBeenMoved, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("ShipUnlockPos_" + startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableName, startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].placedPosition, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("ShipUnlockRot_" + startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].unlockableName, startOfRound.unlockablesList.unlockables[i].placedRotation, currentSaveFileName); } } } if (list.Count > 0) { ES3.Save("UnlockedShipObjects", list.ToArray(), currentSaveFileName); } ES3.Save("DeadlineTime", (int)Mathf.Clamp(timeOfDay.timeUntilDeadline, 0f, 99999f), currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("RandomSeed", startOfRound.randomMapSeed, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("Stats_DaysSpent", startOfRound.gameStats.daysSpent, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("Stats_Deaths", startOfRound.gameStats.deaths, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("Stats_ValueCollected", startOfRound.gameStats.scrapValueCollected, currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("Stats_StepsTaken", startOfRound.gameStats.allStepsTaken, currentSaveFileName); } SaveItemsInShip(); } catch (Exception arg) { Debug.LogError($"Error while trying to save game values when disconnecting as host: {arg}"); } } private void SaveItemsInShip() { GrabbableObject[] array = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsByType(FindObjectsInactive.Exclude, FindObjectsSortMode.None); if (array == null || array.Length == 0) { ES3.DeleteKey("shipGrabbableItemIDs", currentSaveFileName); ES3.DeleteKey("shipGrabbableItemPos", currentSaveFileName); ES3.DeleteKey("shipScrapValues", currentSaveFileName); ES3.DeleteKey("shipItemSaveData", currentSaveFileName); } else { if (StartOfRound.Instance.isChallengeFile) { return; } List list = new List(); List list2 = new List(); List list3 = new List(); List list4 = new List(); int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length && i <= StartOfRound.Instance.maxShipItemCapacity; i++) { if (!StartOfRound.Instance.allItemsList.itemsList.Contains(array[i].itemProperties) || array[i].deactivated) { continue; } if (array[i].itemProperties.spawnPrefab == null) { Debug.LogError("Item '" + array[i].itemProperties.itemName + "' has no spawn prefab set!"); } else { if (array[i].itemUsedUp) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < StartOfRound.Instance.allItemsList.itemsList.Count; j++) { if (StartOfRound.Instance.allItemsList.itemsList[j] == array[i].itemProperties) { list.Add(j); list2.Add(array[i].transform.position); break; } } if (array[i].itemProperties.isScrap) { list3.Add(array[i].scrapValue); } if (array[i].itemProperties.saveItemVariable) { try { num = array[i].GetItemDataToSave(); } catch { Debug.LogError($"An error occured while getting item data to save for item type: {array[i].itemProperties}; gameobject '{array[i]}'"); } list4.Add(num); Debug.Log($"Saved data for item type: {array[i].itemProperties.itemName} - {num}"); } } } if (list.Count <= 0) { Debug.Log("Got no ship grabbable items to save."); return; } ES3.Save("shipGrabbableItemPos", list2.ToArray(), currentSaveFileName); ES3.Save("shipGrabbableItemIDs", list.ToArray(), currentSaveFileName); if (list3.Count > 0) { ES3.Save("shipScrapValues", list3.ToArray(), currentSaveFileName); } else { ES3.DeleteKey("shipScrapValues", currentSaveFileName); } if (list4.Count > 0) { ES3.Save("shipItemSaveData", list4.ToArray(), currentSaveFileName); } else { ES3.DeleteKey("shipItemSaveData", currentSaveFileName); } } } private void ConvertUnsellableItemsToCredits() { if (!StartOfRound.Instance.inShipPhase) { Debug.Log("Players disconnected, but they were not in ship phase so they can't be reimbursed for their items."); ES3.Save("Reimburse", 0, currentSaveFileName); return; } int num = 0; GrabbableObject[] array = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (!array[i].itemProperties.isScrap && !array[i].itemUsedUp) { num += array[i].itemProperties.creditsWorth; } } Terminal terminal = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(); for (int j = 0; j < terminal.orderedItemsFromTerminal.Count; j++) { num += terminal.buyableItemsList[terminal.orderedItemsFromTerminal[j]].creditsWorth; } ES3.Save("Reimburse", num, currentSaveFileName); } private void SetInstanceValuesBackToDefault() { isDisconnecting = false; disallowConnection = false; connectedPlayers = 0; localPlayerController = null; gameHasStarted = false; if (SoundManager.Instance != null) { SoundManager.Instance.ResetValues(); } if (hasSubscribedToConnectionCallbacks && NetworkManager.Singleton != null) { NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientConnectedCallback -= Singleton_OnClientConnectedCallback; NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback -= Singleton_OnClientDisconnectCallback; hasSubscribedToConnectionCallbacks = false; } } public void InviteFriendsUI() { SteamFriends.OpenGameInviteOverlay(Instance.currentLobby.Value.Id); } public async void StartHost() { if (!UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType()) { Debug.Log("Menu manager script is not present in scene; unable to start host"); return; } if (Instance.currentLobby.HasValue) { Debug.Log("Tried starting host but currentLobby is not null! This should not happen. Leaving currentLobby and setting null."); LeaveCurrentSteamLobby(); } if (!disableSteam) { GameNetworkManager instance = Instance; instance.currentLobby = await SteamMatchmaking.CreateLobbyAsync(4); } NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectionApprovalCallback = ConnectionApproval; UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().StartHosting(); SubscribeToConnectionCallbacks(); if (!disableSteam) { steamIdsInLobby.Add(SteamClient.SteamId); } isHostingGame = true; connectedPlayers = 1; } public async void JoinLobby(Lobby lobby, SteamId id) { Debug.Log($" {lobby.Id}"); Debug.Log($"id: {id}"); if (UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType() == null) { return; } if (!Instance.currentLobby.HasValue) { Instance.currentLobby = lobby; steamLobbyName = lobby.GetData("name"); if (await lobby.Join() == RoomEnter.Success) { Debug.Log("Successfully joined steam lobby."); Debug.Log($"AA {Instance.currentLobby.Value.Id}"); Debug.Log($"BB {id}"); Instance.StartClient(lobby.Owner.Id); } else { Debug.Log("Failed to join steam lobby."); LeaveCurrentSteamLobby(); steamLobbyName = SteamClient.Name; UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: false, RoomEnter.Error, "The host has not loaded or has already landed their ship."); } } else { Debug.Log("Lobby error!: Attempted to join, but we are already in a Steam lobby. We should not be in a lobby while in the menu!"); LeaveCurrentSteamLobby(); } } public void LeaveCurrentSteamLobby() { try { if (Instance.currentLobby.HasValue) { Instance.currentLobby.Value.Leave(); Instance.currentLobby = null; steamIdsInLobby.Clear(); } } catch (Exception arg) { Debug.Log($"Error caught while attempting to leave current lobby!: {arg}"); } } public void SetConnectionDataBeforeConnecting() { localClientWaitingForApproval = true; Debug.Log("Game version: " + Instance.gameVersionNum); if (disableSteam) { NetworkManager.Singleton.NetworkConfig.ConnectionData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Instance.gameVersionNum.ToString()); } else { NetworkManager.Singleton.NetworkConfig.ConnectionData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Instance.gameVersionNum + "," + (ulong)SteamClient.SteamId); } } public void StartClient(SteamId id) { Debug.Log($"CC {id}"); transport.targetSteamId = id; SetConnectionDataBeforeConnecting(); if (NetworkManager.Singleton.StartClient()) { Debug.Log("started client!"); SubscribeToConnectionCallbacks(); UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: true); return; } Debug.Log("Joined steam lobby successfully, but connection failed"); UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType().SetLoadingScreen(isLoading: false); if (Instance.currentLobby.HasValue) { Debug.Log("Leaving steam lobby"); Instance.currentLobby.Value.Leave(); Instance.currentLobby = null; steamLobbyName = SteamClient.Name; } SetInstanceValuesBackToDefault(); } private IEnumerator delayStartClient() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); if (NetworkManager.Singleton.StartClient()) { Debug.Log("started client!"); Debug.Log($"Are we connected client: {NetworkManager.Singleton.IsConnectedClient}"); if (NetworkManager.Singleton != null) { Debug.Log("NetworkManager is not null"); } Debug.Log($"Are we connected client: {NetworkManager.Singleton.IsConnectedClient}"); Debug.Log($"Are we host: {NetworkManager.Singleton.IsHost}"); yield return null; if (NetworkManager.Singleton != null) { Debug.Log("NetworkManager is not null"); } Debug.Log($"is networkmanager listening: {NetworkManager.Singleton.IsListening}"); Debug.Log("connected host name: " + NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectedHostname); } } }