using UnityEngine; public class ES3Defaults : ScriptableObject { [SerializeField] public ES3SerializableSettings settings = new ES3SerializableSettings(); public bool addMgrToSceneAutomatically; public bool autoUpdateReferences = true; public bool addAllPrefabsToManager = true; public int collectDependenciesDepth = 4; public int collectDependenciesTimeout = 10; public bool updateReferencesWhenSceneChanges = true; public bool updateReferencesWhenSceneIsSaved = true; public bool updateReferencesWhenSceneIsOpened = true; [Tooltip("Folders listed here will be searched for references every time the reference manager is refreshed. Path should be relative to the project folder.")] public string[] referenceFolders = new string[0]; public bool logDebugInfo; public bool logWarnings = true; public bool logErrors = true; }