using System.Collections; using GameNetcodeStuff; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition; public class AudioReverbTrigger : NetworkBehaviour { public PlayerControllerB playerScript; public ReverbPreset reverbPreset; public int usePreset = -1; [Header("CHANGE AUDIO AMBIANCE")] public switchToAudio[] audioChanges; private bool changingVolumes; [Header("MISC")] public bool elevatorTriggerForProps; public bool setInElevatorTrigger; public bool isShipRoom; public bool toggleLocalFog; public float fogEnabledAmount = 10f; public LocalVolumetricFog localFog; public Terrain terrainObj; [Header("Weather and effects")] public bool setInsideAtmosphere; public bool insideLighting; public int weatherEffect = -1; public bool effectEnabled; public bool disableAllWeather; public bool enableCurrentLevelWeather; private bool spectatedClientTriggered; private IEnumerator changeVolume(AudioSource aud, float changeVolumeTo) { if (localFog != null) { float fogTarget = fogEnabledAmount; if (!toggleLocalFog) { fogTarget = 200f; } for (int j = 0; j < 40; j++) { aud.volume = Mathf.Lerp(aud.volume, changeVolumeTo, (float)j / 40f); localFog.parameters.meanFreePath = Mathf.Lerp(localFog.parameters.meanFreePath, fogTarget, (float)j / 40f); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.004f); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < 40; j++) { aud.volume = Mathf.Lerp(aud.volume, changeVolumeTo, (float)j / 40f); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.004f); } } playerScript.audioCoroutines.Remove(aud); playerScript.audioCoroutines2.Remove(aud); } public void ChangeAudioReverbForPlayer(PlayerControllerB pScript) { playerScript = pScript; if (GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController == null || playerScript.currentAudioTrigger == this || !playerScript.isPlayerControlled) { return; } if (NetworkManager.Singleton == null) { Debug.Log("Network manager is null"); } if (usePreset != -1) { AudioReverbPresets audioReverbPresets = Object.FindObjectOfType(); if (audioReverbPresets != null) { if (audioReverbPresets.audioPresets.Length <= usePreset) { Debug.LogError("The audio preset set by " + + " is not one allowed by the audioreverbpresets in the scene."); } else if (audioReverbPresets.audioPresets[usePreset].usePreset != -1) { Debug.LogError("Audio preset AudioReverbTrigger is set to call another audio preset which would crash!"); } else { audioReverbPresets.audioPresets[usePreset].ChangeAudioReverbForPlayer(pScript); } return; } } if (reverbPreset != null) { playerScript.reverbPreset = reverbPreset; } if (elevatorTriggerForProps) { if (playerScript.currentlyHeldObjectServer != null && playerScript.isHoldingObject) { playerScript.SetItemInElevator(isShipRoom, setInElevatorTrigger, playerScript.currentlyHeldObjectServer); } if (playerScript.playersManager.shipDoorsEnabled || setInElevatorTrigger) { playerScript.isInElevator = setInElevatorTrigger; playerScript.isInHangarShipRoom = isShipRoom; } playerScript.playersManager.SetPlayerSafeInShip(); } if (playerScript != GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController) { if (GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController.spectatedPlayerScript != playerScript) { playerScript.currentAudioTrigger = this; return; } spectatedClientTriggered = true; } else { spectatedClientTriggered = false; } if (disableAllWeather) { TimeOfDay.Instance.DisableAllWeather(); } else { if (weatherEffect != -1) { TimeOfDay.Instance.effects[weatherEffect].effectEnabled = effectEnabled; } if (enableCurrentLevelWeather && TimeOfDay.Instance.currentLevelWeather != LevelWeatherType.None) { TimeOfDay.Instance.effects[(int)TimeOfDay.Instance.currentLevelWeather].effectEnabled = true; } } if (setInsideAtmosphere) { TimeOfDay.Instance.insideLighting = insideLighting; } PlayerControllerB playerControllerB = playerScript; playerScript = GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController; for (int i = 0; i < audioChanges.Length; i++) { AudioSource audio = audioChanges[i].audio; if (audioChanges[i].stopAudio) { audio.Stop(); continue; } if (audioChanges[i].changeToClip != null && audio.clip != audioChanges[i].changeToClip) { bool flag = false; if (audio.isPlaying) { flag = true; } audio.clip = audioChanges[i].changeToClip; if (flag) { audio.Play(); } } else if (audioChanges[i].changeToClip == null && !audio.isPlaying && !audioChanges[i].changeAudioVolume) { audio.Play(); } if (audioChanges[i].changeAudioVolume && playerScript.currentAudioTrigger != this) { if (playerScript.audioCoroutines.TryGetValue(audio, out var value)) { value.StopAudioCoroutine(audio); IEnumerator routine = changeVolume(audio, audioChanges[i].audioVolume); StartCoroutine(routine); } else { IEnumerator enumerator = changeVolume(audio, audioChanges[i].audioVolume); StartCoroutine(enumerator); playerScript.audioCoroutines.Add(audio, this); playerScript.audioCoroutines2.Add(audio, enumerator); } } } if (spectatedClientTriggered) { playerControllerB.currentAudioTrigger = this; } playerScript.currentAudioTrigger = this; } private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if (elevatorTriggerForProps) { if (setInElevatorTrigger && other.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy") && base.gameObject.GetComponent().bounds.Contains(other.transform.position)) { EnemyAICollisionDetect component = other.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (component != null) { bool flag = false; if (component.mainScript.isInsidePlayerShip != isShipRoom) { flag = true; } component.mainScript.isInsidePlayerShip = isShipRoom; if (flag) { StartOfRound.Instance.SetPlayerSafeInShip(); } } return; } if (other.gameObject.tag.StartsWith("PlayerRagdoll")) { DeadBodyInfo component2 = other.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (component2 != null) { if (component2.attachedTo != null && component2.attachedLimb != null) { return; } component2.parentedToShip = setInElevatorTrigger; if (component2.attachedLimb == null || component2.attachedTo == null) { if (setInElevatorTrigger) { component2.transform.SetParent(StartOfRound.Instance.elevatorTransform); } else { component2.transform.SetParent(null); } } } } } if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player") && !(GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController == null)) { playerScript = other.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (!(playerScript == null) && playerScript.isPlayerControlled) { ChangeAudioReverbForPlayer(playerScript); } } } public void StopAudioCoroutine(AudioSource audioKey) { if (playerScript.audioCoroutines2.TryGetValue(audioKey, out var value)) { StopCoroutine(value); } } protected override void __initializeVariables() { base.__initializeVariables(); } protected internal override string __getTypeName() { return "AudioReverbTrigger"; } }