using UnityEngine; namespace ES3Internal { internal static class ES3Debug { private const string disableInfoMsg = "\nTo disable these messages from Easy Save, go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings, and uncheck 'Log Info'"; private const string disableWarningMsg = "\nTo disable warnings from Easy Save, go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings, and uncheck 'Log Warnings'"; private const string disableErrorMsg = "\nTo disable these error messages from Easy Save, go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings, and uncheck 'Log Errors'"; private const char indentChar = '-'; public static void Log(string msg, Object context = null, int indent = 0) { if (ES3Settings.defaultSettingsScriptableObject.logDebugInfo) { if (context != null) { Debug.LogFormat(context, Indent(indent) + msg + "\nTo disable these messages from Easy Save, go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings, and uncheck 'Log Info'"); } else { Debug.LogFormat(context, Indent(indent) + msg); } } } public static void LogWarning(string msg, Object context = null, int indent = 0) { if (ES3Settings.defaultSettingsScriptableObject.logWarnings) { if (context != null) { Debug.LogWarningFormat(context, Indent(indent) + msg + "\nTo disable warnings from Easy Save, go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings, and uncheck 'Log Warnings'"); } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat(context, Indent(indent) + msg + "\nTo disable warnings from Easy Save, go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings, and uncheck 'Log Warnings'"); } } } public static void LogError(string msg, Object context = null, int indent = 0) { if (ES3Settings.defaultSettingsScriptableObject.logErrors) { if (context != null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat(context, Indent(indent) + msg + "\nTo disable these error messages from Easy Save, go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings, and uncheck 'Log Errors'"); } else { Debug.LogErrorFormat(context, Indent(indent) + msg + "\nTo disable these error messages from Easy Save, go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings, and uncheck 'Log Errors'"); } } } private static string Indent(int size) { if (size < 0) { return ""; } return new string('-', size); } } }