using System.Collections; using GameNetcodeStuff; using TMPro; using Unity.Netcode; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class TerminalAccessibleObject : NetworkBehaviour { public string objectCode; public float codeAccessCooldownTimer; private float currentCooldownTimer; private bool inCooldown; public InteractEvent terminalCodeEvent; public InteractEvent terminalCodeCooldownEvent; public bool setCodeRandomlyFromRoundManager = true; [Space(3f)] public MeshRenderer[] codeMaterials; public int rows; public int columns; [Space(3f)] public bool isBigDoor = true; private TextMeshProUGUI mapRadarText; private Image mapRadarBox; private Image mapRadarBoxSlider; private bool initializedValues; private bool playerHitDoorTrigger; private bool isDoorOpen; private bool isPoweredOn = true; public void CallFunctionFromTerminal() { if (!inCooldown) { terminalCodeEvent.Invoke(GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController); if (codeAccessCooldownTimer > 0f) { currentCooldownTimer = codeAccessCooldownTimer; StartCoroutine(countCodeAccessCooldown()); } Debug.Log("calling terminal function for code : " + objectCode + "; object name: " +; } } public void TerminalCodeCooldownReached() { terminalCodeCooldownEvent.Invoke(null); Debug.Log("cooldown reached for object with code : " + objectCode + "; object name: " +; } private IEnumerator countCodeAccessCooldown() { inCooldown = true; if (!initializedValues) { InitializeValues(); } Image cooldownBar = mapRadarBox; Image[] componentsInChildren = mapRadarText.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInChildren.Length; i++) { if (componentsInChildren[i].type == Image.Type.Filled) { cooldownBar = componentsInChildren[i]; } } cooldownBar.enabled = true; mapRadarText.color =; mapRadarBox.color =; while (currentCooldownTimer > 0f) { yield return null; currentCooldownTimer -= Time.deltaTime; cooldownBar.fillAmount = currentCooldownTimer / codeAccessCooldownTimer; } TerminalCodeCooldownReached(); mapRadarText.color =; mapRadarBox.color =; currentCooldownTimer = 1.5f; int frameNum = 0; while (currentCooldownTimer > 0f) { yield return null; currentCooldownTimer -= Time.deltaTime; cooldownBar.fillAmount = Mathf.Abs(currentCooldownTimer / 1.5f - 1f); frameNum++; if (frameNum % 7 == 0) { mapRadarText.enabled = !mapRadarText.enabled; } } mapRadarText.enabled = true; cooldownBar.enabled = false; inCooldown = false; } public void OnPowerSwitch(bool switchedOn) { isPoweredOn = switchedOn; if (!switchedOn) { mapRadarText.color = Color.gray; mapRadarBox.color = Color.gray; if (!isDoorOpen) { base.gameObject.GetComponent().SetBoolOnClientOnly(setTo: true); } } else if (!isDoorOpen) { mapRadarText.color =; mapRadarBox.color =; base.gameObject.GetComponent().SetBoolOnClientOnly(setTo: false); } else { mapRadarText.color =; mapRadarBox.color =; } } [ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)] public void SetDoorOpenServerRpc(bool open) { NetworkManager networkManager = base.NetworkManager; if ((object)networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening) { if (__rpc_exec_stage != __RpcExecStage.Server && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost)) { ServerRpcParams serverRpcParams = default(ServerRpcParams); FastBufferWriter bufferWriter = __beginSendServerRpc(1181174413u, serverRpcParams, RpcDelivery.Reliable); bufferWriter.WriteValueSafe(in open, default(FastBufferWriter.ForPrimitives)); __endSendServerRpc(ref bufferWriter, 1181174413u, serverRpcParams, RpcDelivery.Reliable); } if (__rpc_exec_stage == __RpcExecStage.Server && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost)) { SetDoorOpenClientRpc(open); } } } [ClientRpc] public void SetDoorOpenClientRpc(bool open) { NetworkManager networkManager = base.NetworkManager; if ((object)networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening) { if (__rpc_exec_stage != __RpcExecStage.Client && (networkManager.IsServer || networkManager.IsHost)) { ClientRpcParams clientRpcParams = default(ClientRpcParams); FastBufferWriter bufferWriter = __beginSendClientRpc(635686545u, clientRpcParams, RpcDelivery.Reliable); bufferWriter.WriteValueSafe(in open, default(FastBufferWriter.ForPrimitives)); __endSendClientRpc(ref bufferWriter, 635686545u, clientRpcParams, RpcDelivery.Reliable); } if (__rpc_exec_stage == __RpcExecStage.Client && (networkManager.IsClient || networkManager.IsHost)) { SetDoorOpen(open); } } } public void SetDoorToggleLocalClient() { if (isPoweredOn) { SetDoorOpen(!isDoorOpen); SetDoorOpenServerRpc(isDoorOpen); } } public void SetDoorLocalClient(bool open) { SetDoorOpen(open); SetDoorOpenServerRpc(isDoorOpen); } public void SetDoorOpen(bool open) { if (isBigDoor && isDoorOpen != open && isPoweredOn) { isDoorOpen = open; if (open) { Debug.Log("Setting door " + + " with code " + objectCode + " to open"); mapRadarText.color =; mapRadarBox.color =; } else { Debug.Log("Setting door " + + " with code " + objectCode + " to closed"); mapRadarText.color =; mapRadarBox.color =; } Debug.Log($"setting big door open for door {}; {isDoorOpen}; {open}"); base.gameObject.GetComponent().SetBoolOnClientOnly(open); } } public void SetCodeTo(int codeIndex) { if (!setCodeRandomlyFromRoundManager) { return; } if (codeIndex > RoundManager.Instance.possibleCodesForBigDoors.Length) { Debug.LogError("Attempted setting code to an index higher than the amount of possible codes in TerminalAccessibleObject"); return; } objectCode = RoundManager.Instance.possibleCodesForBigDoors[codeIndex]; SetMaterialUV(codeIndex); if (mapRadarText == null) { InitializeValues(); } mapRadarText.text = objectCode; } private void Start() { InitializeValues(); } public void InitializeValues() { if (initializedValues) { return; } initializedValues = true; GameObject gameObject = Object.Instantiate(StartOfRound.Instance.objectCodePrefab, StartOfRound.Instance.mapScreen.mapCameraStationaryUI, worldPositionStays: false); RectTransform component = gameObject.GetComponent(); component.position = base.transform.position + Vector3.up * 4.35f; component.position += component.up * 1.2f - component.right * 1.2f; mapRadarText = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren(); mapRadarText.text = objectCode; mapRadarBox = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren(); if (isBigDoor) { SetDoorOpen(base.gameObject.GetComponent().boolValue); if (base.gameObject.GetComponent().boolValue) { mapRadarText.color =; mapRadarBox.color =; } else { mapRadarText.color =; mapRadarBox.color =; } } } public override void OnDestroy() { if (mapRadarText != null && mapRadarText.gameObject != null) { Object.Destroy(mapRadarText.gameObject); } base.OnDestroy(); } private void SetMaterialUV(int codeIndex) { float num = 0f; float num2 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < codeIndex; i++) { num += 1f / (float)columns; if (num >= 1f) { num = 0f; num2 += 1f / (float)rows; if (num2 >= 1f) { num2 = 0f; } } } if (codeMaterials != null && codeMaterials.Length != 0) { Material material = codeMaterials[0].material; material.SetTextureOffset("_BaseColorMap", new Vector2(num, num2)); for (int j = 0; j < codeMaterials.Length; j++) { codeMaterials[j].sharedMaterial = material; } } } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (isBigDoor && !playerHitDoorTrigger && (!isDoorOpen || !isPoweredOn) && other.CompareTag("Player") && other.gameObject.GetComponent() == GameNetworkManager.Instance.localPlayerController) { playerHitDoorTrigger = true; HUDManager.Instance.DisplayTip("TIP:", "Use the ship computer terminal to access secure doors.", isWarning: false, useSave: true, "LCTip_SecureDoors"); } } protected override void __initializeVariables() { base.__initializeVariables(); } [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] internal static void InitializeRPCS_TerminalAccessibleObject() { NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(1181174413u, __rpc_handler_1181174413); NetworkManager.__rpc_func_table.Add(635686545u, __rpc_handler_635686545); } private static void __rpc_handler_1181174413(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams) { NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager; if ((object)networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening) { reader.ReadValueSafe(out bool value, default(FastBufferWriter.ForPrimitives)); target.__rpc_exec_stage = __RpcExecStage.Server; ((TerminalAccessibleObject)target).SetDoorOpenServerRpc(value); target.__rpc_exec_stage = __RpcExecStage.None; } } private static void __rpc_handler_635686545(NetworkBehaviour target, FastBufferReader reader, __RpcParams rpcParams) { NetworkManager networkManager = target.NetworkManager; if ((object)networkManager != null && networkManager.IsListening) { reader.ReadValueSafe(out bool value, default(FastBufferWriter.ForPrimitives)); target.__rpc_exec_stage = __RpcExecStage.Client; ((TerminalAccessibleObject)target).SetDoorOpenClientRpc(value); target.__rpc_exec_stage = __RpcExecStage.None; } } protected internal override string __getTypeName() { return "TerminalAccessibleObject"; } }