using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using ES3Internal; using ES3Types; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; public class ES3 { public enum Location { File = 0, PlayerPrefs = 1, InternalMS = 2, Resources = 3, Cache = 4 } public enum Directory { PersistentDataPath = 0, DataPath = 1 } public enum EncryptionType { None = 0, AES = 1 } public enum CompressionType { None = 0, Gzip = 1 } public enum Format { JSON = 0 } public enum ReferenceMode { ByRef = 0, ByValue = 1, ByRefAndValue = 2 } public enum ImageType { JPEG = 0, PNG = 1 } public static void Save(string key, object value) { ES3.Save(key, value, new ES3Settings()); } public static void Save(string key, object value, string filePath) { ES3.Save(key, value, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void Save(string key, object value, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { ES3.Save(key, value, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void Save(string key, object value, ES3Settings settings) { ES3.Save(key, value, settings); } public static void Save(string key, T value) { Save(key, value, new ES3Settings()); } public static void Save(string key, T value, string filePath) { Save(key, value, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void Save(string key, T value, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { Save(key, value, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void Save(string key, T value, ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.GetOrCreateCachedFile(settings).Save(key, value); return; } using ES3Writer eS3Writer = ES3Writer.Create(settings); eS3Writer.Write(key, value); eS3Writer.Save(); } public static void SaveRaw(byte[] bytes) { SaveRaw(bytes, new ES3Settings()); } public static void SaveRaw(byte[] bytes, string filePath) { SaveRaw(bytes, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void SaveRaw(byte[] bytes, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { SaveRaw(bytes, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void SaveRaw(byte[] bytes, ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.GetOrCreateCachedFile(settings).SaveRaw(bytes, settings); return; } using (Stream stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(settings, ES3FileMode.Write)) { stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } ES3IO.CommitBackup(settings); } public static void SaveRaw(string str) { SaveRaw(str, new ES3Settings()); } public static void SaveRaw(string str, string filePath) { SaveRaw(str, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void SaveRaw(string str, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { SaveRaw(str, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void SaveRaw(string str, ES3Settings settings) { SaveRaw(settings.encoding.GetBytes(str), settings); } public static void AppendRaw(byte[] bytes) { AppendRaw(bytes, new ES3Settings()); } public static void AppendRaw(byte[] bytes, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { AppendRaw(bytes, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void AppendRaw(byte[] bytes, ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.GetOrCreateCachedFile(settings).AppendRaw(bytes); return; } using Stream stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(new ES3Settings(settings.path, settings) { encryptionType = EncryptionType.None, compressionType = CompressionType.None }, ES3FileMode.Append); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } public static void AppendRaw(string str) { AppendRaw(str, new ES3Settings()); } public static void AppendRaw(string str, string filePath) { AppendRaw(str, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void AppendRaw(string str, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { AppendRaw(str, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void AppendRaw(string str, ES3Settings settings) { byte[] bytes = settings.encoding.GetBytes(str); ES3Settings eS3Settings = new ES3Settings(settings.path, settings); eS3Settings.encryptionType = EncryptionType.None; eS3Settings.compressionType = CompressionType.None; if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.GetOrCreateCachedFile(settings).SaveRaw(bytes); return; } using Stream stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(eS3Settings, ES3FileMode.Append); stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } public static void SaveImage(Texture2D texture, string imagePath) { SaveImage(texture, new ES3Settings(imagePath)); } public static void SaveImage(Texture2D texture, string imagePath, ES3Settings settings) { SaveImage(texture, new ES3Settings(imagePath, settings)); } public static void SaveImage(Texture2D texture, ES3Settings settings) { SaveImage(texture, 75, settings); } public static void SaveImage(Texture2D texture, int quality, string imagePath) { SaveImage(texture, quality, new ES3Settings(imagePath)); } public static void SaveImage(Texture2D texture, int quality, string imagePath, ES3Settings settings) { SaveImage(texture, quality, new ES3Settings(imagePath, settings)); } public static void SaveImage(Texture2D texture, int quality, ES3Settings settings) { string text = ES3IO.GetExtension(settings.path).ToLower(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { throw new ArgumentException("File path must have a file extension when using ES3.SaveImage."); } byte[] bytes; switch (text) { case ".jpg": case ".jpeg": bytes = texture.EncodeToJPG(quality); break; case ".png": bytes = texture.EncodeToPNG(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("File path must have extension of .png, .jpg or .jpeg when using ES3.SaveImage."); } SaveRaw(bytes, settings); } public static byte[] SaveImageToBytes(Texture2D texture, int quality, ImageType imageType) { if (imageType == ImageType.JPEG) { return texture.EncodeToJPG(quality); } return texture.EncodeToPNG(); } public static object Load(string key) { return Load(key, new ES3Settings()); } public static object Load(string key, string filePath) { return Load(key, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static object Load(string key, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return Load(key, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static object Load(string key, ES3Settings settings) { return Load(key, settings); } public static object Load(string key, object defaultValue) { return ES3.Load(key, defaultValue, new ES3Settings()); } public static object Load(string key, string filePath, object defaultValue) { return ES3.Load(key, defaultValue, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static object Load(string key, string filePath, object defaultValue, ES3Settings settings) { return ES3.Load(key, defaultValue, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static object Load(string key, object defaultValue, ES3Settings settings) { return ES3.Load(key, defaultValue, settings); } public static T Load(string key) { return Load(key, new ES3Settings()); } public static T Load(string key, string filePath) { return Load(key, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static T Load(string key, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return Load(key, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static T Load(string key, ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { return ES3File.GetOrCreateCachedFile(settings).Load(key); } using ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(settings); if (eS3Reader == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File \"" + settings.FullPath + "\" could not be found."); } return eS3Reader.Read(key); } public static T Load(string key, T defaultValue) { return Load(key, defaultValue, new ES3Settings()); } public static T Load(string key, string filePath, T defaultValue) { return Load(key, defaultValue, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static T Load(string key, string filePath, T defaultValue, ES3Settings settings) { return Load(key, defaultValue, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static T Load(string key, T defaultValue, ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { return ES3File.GetOrCreateCachedFile(settings).Load(key, defaultValue); } using ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(settings); if (eS3Reader == null) { return defaultValue; } return eS3Reader.Read(key, defaultValue); } public static void LoadInto(string key, object obj) where T : class { ES3.LoadInto(key, obj, new ES3Settings()); } public static void LoadInto(string key, string filePath, object obj) { ES3.LoadInto(key, obj, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void LoadInto(string key, string filePath, object obj, ES3Settings settings) { ES3.LoadInto(key, obj, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void LoadInto(string key, object obj, ES3Settings settings) { ES3.LoadInto(key, obj, settings); } public static void LoadInto(string key, T obj) where T : class { LoadInto(key, obj, new ES3Settings()); } public static void LoadInto(string key, string filePath, T obj) where T : class { LoadInto(key, obj, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void LoadInto(string key, string filePath, T obj, ES3Settings settings) where T : class { LoadInto(key, obj, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void LoadInto(string key, T obj, ES3Settings settings) where T : class { if (ES3Reflection.IsValueType(obj.GetType())) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ES3.LoadInto can only be used with reference types, but the data you're loading is a value type. Use ES3.Load instead."); } if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.GetOrCreateCachedFile(settings).LoadInto(key, obj); return; } if (settings == null) { settings = new ES3Settings(); } using ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(settings); if (eS3Reader == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File \"" + settings.FullPath + "\" could not be found."); } eS3Reader.ReadInto(key, obj); } public static string LoadString(string key, string defaultValue, ES3Settings settings) { return Load(key, null, defaultValue, settings); } public static string LoadString(string key, string defaultValue, string filePath = null, ES3Settings settings = null) { return Load(key, filePath, defaultValue, settings); } public static byte[] LoadRawBytes() { return LoadRawBytes(new ES3Settings()); } public static byte[] LoadRawBytes(string filePath) { return LoadRawBytes(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static byte[] LoadRawBytes(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return LoadRawBytes(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static byte[] LoadRawBytes(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { return ES3File.GetOrCreateCachedFile(settings).LoadRawBytes(); } using Stream stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(settings, ES3FileMode.Read); if (stream == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + settings.path + " could not be found"); } if (stream.GetType() == typeof(GZipStream)) { GZipStream source = (GZipStream)stream; using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); ES3Stream.CopyTo(source, memoryStream); return memoryStream.ToArray(); } byte[] array = new byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(array, 0, array.Length); return array; } public static string LoadRawString() { return LoadRawString(new ES3Settings()); } public static string LoadRawString(string filePath) { return LoadRawString(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static string LoadRawString(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return LoadRawString(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static string LoadRawString(ES3Settings settings) { byte[] array = LoadRawBytes(settings); return settings.encoding.GetString(array, 0, array.Length); } public static Texture2D LoadImage(string imagePath) { return LoadImage(new ES3Settings(imagePath)); } public static Texture2D LoadImage(string imagePath, ES3Settings settings) { return LoadImage(new ES3Settings(imagePath, settings)); } public static Texture2D LoadImage(ES3Settings settings) { return LoadImage(LoadRawBytes(settings)); } public static Texture2D LoadImage(byte[] bytes) { Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(1, 1); texture2D.LoadImage(bytes); return texture2D; } public static AudioClip LoadAudio(string audioFilePath, AudioType audioType) { return LoadAudio(audioFilePath, audioType, new ES3Settings()); } public static AudioClip LoadAudio(string audioFilePath, AudioType audioType, ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ES3.LoadAudio can only be used with the File save location"); } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You cannot use ES3.LoadAudio with WebGL"); } string text = ES3IO.GetExtension(audioFilePath).ToLower(); if (text == ".mp3" && (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You can only load Ogg, WAV, XM, IT, MOD or S3M on Unity Standalone"); } if (text == ".ogg" && (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.MetroPlayerARM)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You can only load MP3, WAV, XM, IT, MOD or S3M on Unity Standalone"); } ES3Settings eS3Settings = new ES3Settings(audioFilePath, settings); using UnityWebRequest unityWebRequest = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip("file://" + eS3Settings.FullPath, audioType); unityWebRequest.SendWebRequest(); while (!unityWebRequest.isDone) { } if (ES3WebClass.IsNetworkError(unityWebRequest)) { throw new Exception(unityWebRequest.error); } return DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(unityWebRequest); } public static byte[] Serialize(T value, ES3Settings settings = null) { return Serialize(value, ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(typeof(T)), settings); } internal static byte[] Serialize(object value, ES3Type type, ES3Settings settings = null) { if (settings == null) { settings = new ES3Settings(); } using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using Stream stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(memoryStream, settings, ES3FileMode.Write); using (ES3Writer eS3Writer = ES3Writer.Create(stream, settings, writeHeaderAndFooter: false, overwriteKeys: false)) { eS3Writer.Write(value, type, settings.referenceMode); } return memoryStream.ToArray(); } public static T Deserialize(byte[] bytes, ES3Settings settings = null) { return (T)Deserialize(ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(typeof(T)), bytes, settings); } internal static object Deserialize(ES3Type type, byte[] bytes, ES3Settings settings = null) { if (settings == null) { settings = new ES3Settings(); } using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes, writable: false); using Stream stream2 = ES3Stream.CreateStream(stream, settings, ES3FileMode.Read); using ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(stream2, settings, readHeaderAndFooter: false); return eS3Reader.Read(type); } public static void DeserializeInto(byte[] bytes, T obj, ES3Settings settings = null) where T : class { DeserializeInto(ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(typeof(T)), bytes, obj, settings); } public static void DeserializeInto(ES3Type type, byte[] bytes, T obj, ES3Settings settings = null) where T : class { if (settings == null) { settings = new ES3Settings(); } using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes, writable: false); using ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(stream, settings, readHeaderAndFooter: false); eS3Reader.ReadInto(obj, type); } public static byte[] EncryptBytes(byte[] bytes, string password = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { password = ES3Settings.defaultSettings.encryptionPassword; } return new AESEncryptionAlgorithm().Encrypt(bytes, password, ES3Settings.defaultSettings.bufferSize); } public static byte[] DecryptBytes(byte[] bytes, string password = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { password = ES3Settings.defaultSettings.encryptionPassword; } return new AESEncryptionAlgorithm().Decrypt(bytes, password, ES3Settings.defaultSettings.bufferSize); } public static string EncryptString(string str, string password = null) { return Convert.ToBase64String(EncryptBytes(ES3Settings.defaultSettings.encoding.GetBytes(str), password)); } public static string DecryptString(string str, string password = null) { return ES3Settings.defaultSettings.encoding.GetString(DecryptBytes(Convert.FromBase64String(str), password)); } public static byte[] CompressBytes(byte[] bytes) { using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); ES3Settings eS3Settings = new ES3Settings(); eS3Settings.location = Location.InternalMS; eS3Settings.compressionType = CompressionType.Gzip; eS3Settings.encryptionType = EncryptionType.None; using (Stream stream = ES3Stream.CreateStream(memoryStream, eS3Settings, ES3FileMode.Write)) { stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } return memoryStream.ToArray(); } public static byte[] DecompressBytes(byte[] bytes) { using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes); ES3Settings eS3Settings = new ES3Settings(); eS3Settings.location = Location.InternalMS; eS3Settings.compressionType = CompressionType.Gzip; eS3Settings.encryptionType = EncryptionType.None; using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using (Stream source = ES3Stream.CreateStream(stream, eS3Settings, ES3FileMode.Read)) { ES3Stream.CopyTo(source, memoryStream); } return memoryStream.ToArray(); } public static string CompressString(string str) { return Convert.ToBase64String(CompressBytes(ES3Settings.defaultSettings.encoding.GetBytes(str))); } public static string DecompressString(string str) { return ES3Settings.defaultSettings.encoding.GetString(DecompressBytes(Convert.FromBase64String(str))); } public static void DeleteFile() { DeleteFile(new ES3Settings()); } public static void DeleteFile(string filePath) { DeleteFile(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void DeleteFile(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { DeleteFile(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void DeleteFile(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.File) { ES3IO.DeleteFile(settings.FullPath); } else if (settings.location == Location.PlayerPrefs) { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(settings.FullPath); } else if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.RemoveCachedFile(settings); } else if (settings.location == Location.Resources) { throw new NotSupportedException("Deleting files from Resources is not possible."); } } public static void CopyFile(string oldFilePath, string newFilePath) { CopyFile(new ES3Settings(oldFilePath), new ES3Settings(newFilePath)); } public static void CopyFile(string oldFilePath, string newFilePath, ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings) { CopyFile(new ES3Settings(oldFilePath, oldSettings), new ES3Settings(newFilePath, newSettings)); } public static void CopyFile(ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings) { if (oldSettings.location != newSettings.location) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot copy file from " + oldSettings.location.ToString() + " to " + newSettings.location.ToString() + ". Location must be the same for both source and destination."); } if (oldSettings.location == Location.File) { if (ES3IO.FileExists(oldSettings.FullPath)) { string directoryPath = ES3IO.GetDirectoryPath(newSettings.FullPath); if (!ES3IO.DirectoryExists(directoryPath)) { ES3IO.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); } else { ES3IO.DeleteFile(newSettings.FullPath); } ES3IO.CopyFile(oldSettings.FullPath, newSettings.FullPath); } } else if (oldSettings.location == Location.PlayerPrefs) { PlayerPrefs.SetString(newSettings.FullPath, PlayerPrefs.GetString(oldSettings.FullPath)); } else if (oldSettings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.CopyCachedFile(oldSettings, newSettings); } else if (oldSettings.location == Location.Resources) { throw new NotSupportedException("Modifying files from Resources is not allowed."); } } public static void RenameFile(string oldFilePath, string newFilePath) { RenameFile(new ES3Settings(oldFilePath), new ES3Settings(newFilePath)); } public static void RenameFile(string oldFilePath, string newFilePath, ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings) { RenameFile(new ES3Settings(oldFilePath, oldSettings), new ES3Settings(newFilePath, newSettings)); } public static void RenameFile(ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings) { if (oldSettings.location != newSettings.location) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot rename file in " + oldSettings.location.ToString() + " to " + newSettings.location.ToString() + ". Location must be the same for both source and destination."); } if (oldSettings.location == Location.File) { if (ES3IO.FileExists(oldSettings.FullPath)) { ES3IO.DeleteFile(newSettings.FullPath); ES3IO.MoveFile(oldSettings.FullPath, newSettings.FullPath); } } else if (oldSettings.location == Location.PlayerPrefs) { PlayerPrefs.SetString(newSettings.FullPath, PlayerPrefs.GetString(oldSettings.FullPath)); PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(oldSettings.FullPath); } else if (oldSettings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.CopyCachedFile(oldSettings, newSettings); ES3File.RemoveCachedFile(oldSettings); } else if (oldSettings.location == Location.Resources) { throw new NotSupportedException("Modifying files from Resources is not allowed."); } } public static void CopyDirectory(string oldDirectoryPath, string newDirectoryPath) { CopyDirectory(new ES3Settings(oldDirectoryPath), new ES3Settings(newDirectoryPath)); } public static void CopyDirectory(string oldDirectoryPath, string newDirectoryPath, ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings) { CopyDirectory(new ES3Settings(oldDirectoryPath, oldSettings), new ES3Settings(newDirectoryPath, newSettings)); } public static void CopyDirectory(ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings) { if (oldSettings.location != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("ES3.CopyDirectory can only be used when the save location is 'File'"); } if (!DirectoryExists(oldSettings)) { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Directory " + oldSettings.FullPath + " not found"); } if (!DirectoryExists(newSettings)) { ES3IO.CreateDirectory(newSettings.FullPath); } string[] files = GetFiles(oldSettings); foreach (string fileOrDirectoryName in files) { CopyFile(ES3IO.CombinePathAndFilename(oldSettings.path, fileOrDirectoryName), ES3IO.CombinePathAndFilename(newSettings.path, fileOrDirectoryName)); } files = GetDirectories(oldSettings); foreach (string fileOrDirectoryName2 in files) { CopyDirectory(ES3IO.CombinePathAndFilename(oldSettings.path, fileOrDirectoryName2), ES3IO.CombinePathAndFilename(newSettings.path, fileOrDirectoryName2)); } } public static void RenameDirectory(string oldDirectoryPath, string newDirectoryPath) { RenameDirectory(new ES3Settings(oldDirectoryPath), new ES3Settings(newDirectoryPath)); } public static void RenameDirectory(string oldDirectoryPath, string newDirectoryPath, ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings) { RenameDirectory(new ES3Settings(oldDirectoryPath, oldSettings), new ES3Settings(newDirectoryPath, newSettings)); } public static void RenameDirectory(ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings) { if (oldSettings.location == Location.File) { if (ES3IO.DirectoryExists(oldSettings.FullPath)) { ES3IO.DeleteDirectory(newSettings.FullPath); ES3IO.MoveDirectory(oldSettings.FullPath, newSettings.FullPath); } return; } if (oldSettings.location == Location.PlayerPrefs || oldSettings.location == Location.Cache) { throw new NotSupportedException("Directories cannot be renamed when saving to Cache, PlayerPrefs, tvOS or using WebGL."); } if (oldSettings.location != Location.Resources) { return; } throw new NotSupportedException("Modifying files from Resources is not allowed."); } public static void DeleteDirectory(string directoryPath) { DeleteDirectory(new ES3Settings(directoryPath)); } public static void DeleteDirectory(string directoryPath, ES3Settings settings) { DeleteDirectory(new ES3Settings(directoryPath, settings)); } public static void DeleteDirectory(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.File) { ES3IO.DeleteDirectory(settings.FullPath); return; } if (settings.location == Location.PlayerPrefs || settings.location == Location.Cache) { throw new NotSupportedException("Deleting Directories using Cache or PlayerPrefs is not supported."); } if (settings.location != Location.Resources) { return; } throw new NotSupportedException("Deleting directories from Resources is not allowed."); } public static void DeleteKey(string key) { DeleteKey(key, new ES3Settings()); } public static void DeleteKey(string key, string filePath) { DeleteKey(key, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void DeleteKey(string key, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { DeleteKey(key, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void DeleteKey(string key, ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Resources) { throw new NotSupportedException("Modifying files in Resources is not allowed."); } if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { ES3File.DeleteKey(key, settings); } else if (FileExists(settings)) { using (ES3Writer eS3Writer = ES3Writer.Create(settings)) { eS3Writer.MarkKeyForDeletion(key); eS3Writer.Save(); } } } public static bool KeyExists(string key) { return KeyExists(key, new ES3Settings()); } public static bool KeyExists(string key, string filePath) { return KeyExists(key, new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static bool KeyExists(string key, string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return KeyExists(key, new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static bool KeyExists(string key, ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { return ES3File.KeyExists(key, settings); } using ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(settings); return eS3Reader?.Goto(key) ?? false; } public static bool FileExists() { return FileExists(new ES3Settings()); } public static bool FileExists(string filePath) { return FileExists(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static bool FileExists(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return FileExists(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static bool FileExists(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.File) { return ES3IO.FileExists(settings.FullPath); } if (settings.location == Location.PlayerPrefs) { return PlayerPrefs.HasKey(settings.FullPath); } if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { return ES3File.FileExists(settings); } if (settings.location == Location.Resources) { return Resources.Load(settings.FullPath) != null; } return false; } public static bool DirectoryExists(string folderPath) { return DirectoryExists(new ES3Settings(folderPath)); } public static bool DirectoryExists(string folderPath, ES3Settings settings) { return DirectoryExists(new ES3Settings(folderPath, settings)); } public static bool DirectoryExists(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.File) { return ES3IO.DirectoryExists(settings.FullPath); } if (settings.location == Location.PlayerPrefs || settings.location == Location.Cache) { throw new NotSupportedException("Directories are not supported for the Cache and PlayerPrefs location."); } if (settings.location == Location.Resources) { throw new NotSupportedException("Checking existence of folder in Resources not supported."); } return false; } public static string[] GetKeys() { return GetKeys(new ES3Settings()); } public static string[] GetKeys(string filePath) { return GetKeys(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static string[] GetKeys(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return GetKeys(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static string[] GetKeys(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { return ES3File.GetKeys(settings); } List list = new List(); using (ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(settings)) { foreach (string property in eS3Reader.Properties) { list.Add(property); eS3Reader.Skip(); } } return list.ToArray(); } public static string[] GetFiles() { ES3Settings eS3Settings = new ES3Settings(); if (eS3Settings.location == Location.File) { if ( == Directory.PersistentDataPath) { eS3Settings.path = ES3IO.persistentDataPath; } else { eS3Settings.path = ES3IO.dataPath; } } return GetFiles(new ES3Settings()); } public static string[] GetFiles(string directoryPath) { return GetFiles(new ES3Settings(directoryPath)); } public static string[] GetFiles(string directoryPath, ES3Settings settings) { return GetFiles(new ES3Settings(directoryPath, settings)); } public static string[] GetFiles(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { return ES3File.GetFiles(); } if (settings.location != 0) { throw new NotSupportedException("ES3.GetFiles can only be used when the location is set to File or Cache."); } return ES3IO.GetFiles(settings.FullPath, getFullPaths: false); } public static string[] GetDirectories() { return GetDirectories(new ES3Settings()); } public static string[] GetDirectories(string directoryPath) { return GetDirectories(new ES3Settings(directoryPath)); } public static string[] GetDirectories(string directoryPath, ES3Settings settings) { return GetDirectories(new ES3Settings(directoryPath, settings)); } public static string[] GetDirectories(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location != 0) { throw new NotSupportedException("ES3.GetDirectories can only be used when the location is set to File."); } return ES3IO.GetDirectories(settings.FullPath, getFullPaths: false); } public static void CreateBackup() { CreateBackup(new ES3Settings()); } public static void CreateBackup(string filePath) { CreateBackup(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void CreateBackup(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { CreateBackup(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void CreateBackup(ES3Settings settings) { ES3Settings newSettings = new ES3Settings(settings.path + ".bac", settings); CopyFile(settings, newSettings); } public static bool RestoreBackup(string filePath) { return RestoreBackup(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static bool RestoreBackup(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return RestoreBackup(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static bool RestoreBackup(ES3Settings settings) { ES3Settings eS3Settings = new ES3Settings(settings.path + ".bac", settings); if (!FileExists(eS3Settings)) { return false; } RenameFile(eS3Settings, settings); return true; } public static DateTime GetTimestamp() { return GetTimestamp(new ES3Settings()); } public static DateTime GetTimestamp(string filePath) { return GetTimestamp(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static DateTime GetTimestamp(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { return GetTimestamp(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static DateTime GetTimestamp(ES3Settings settings) { if (settings.location == Location.File) { return ES3IO.GetTimestamp(settings.FullPath); } if (settings.location == Location.PlayerPrefs) { return new DateTime(long.Parse(PlayerPrefs.GetString("timestamp_" + settings.FullPath, "0")), DateTimeKind.Utc); } if (settings.location == Location.Cache) { return ES3File.GetTimestamp(settings); } return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); } public static void StoreCachedFile() { ES3File.Store(); } public static void StoreCachedFile(string filePath) { StoreCachedFile(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void StoreCachedFile(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { StoreCachedFile(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void StoreCachedFile(ES3Settings settings) { ES3File.Store(settings); } public static void CacheFile() { CacheFile(new ES3Settings()); } public static void CacheFile(string filePath) { CacheFile(new ES3Settings(filePath)); } public static void CacheFile(string filePath, ES3Settings settings) { CacheFile(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings)); } public static void CacheFile(ES3Settings settings) { ES3File.CacheFile(settings); } public static void Init() { _ = ES3Settings.defaultSettings; _ = ES3IO.persistentDataPath; ES3TypeMgr.Init(); } }