using UnityEngine; namespace DigitalRuby.ThunderAndLightning { public class LightningBoltPrefabScript : LightningBoltPrefabScriptBase { [Header("Start/end")] [Tooltip("The source game object, can be null")] public GameObject Source; [Tooltip("The destination game object, can be null")] public GameObject Destination; [Tooltip("X, Y and Z for variance from the start point. Use positive values.")] public Vector3 StartVariance; [Tooltip("X, Y and Z for variance from the end point. Use positive values.")] public Vector3 EndVariance; public override void CreateLightningBolt(LightningBoltParameters parameters) { parameters.Start = ((Source == null) ? parameters.Start : Source.transform.position); parameters.End = ((Destination == null) ? parameters.End : Destination.transform.position); parameters.StartVariance = StartVariance; parameters.EndVariance = EndVariance; base.CreateLightningBolt(parameters); } } }