LethalCompany/Lethal Company/ExportedProject/Assets/MonoBehaviour/LogFile12.asset
2023-12-22 21:13:19 -05:00

39 lines
2.5 KiB

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displayText: "date : October 1st, 1968\nwere out of snacks and lemonade packets again. desmond thinks stun grenades are \"more benefficial\" well if he puts off ordering my stuff for another day, im going to take a shit on the control lever and ask him what he thinks about his stun grenades then. desmond dont read this\n\n\ni know im not the wizard but I guess im the computer guy again today. every time i go outside on vow they say i get pale like im dead, so they put me on screen duty. they think i got soft or something. whatever, lucas is the scared one. good luck keeping him from losing his freaking mind. I could stroll out at night like its my back yard!! Its just that i saw Rich on a hill. he was over on the orther side of the river. but that was three days ago. Im not scared, its just getting cold outside. i think they jus twant me to have screen duty every day and they all got an excuse\n\ni miss dad. i hope he isnt staying on titan. people are saying its not going to look the same in two years. jess told us they a re about to go to war and everyone is just waiting for it. every time we go to sell, the company building is shaking like theres a loud furnace inside. they are too afraid to quit. we can barely sleep to meet the quota, and it gets worse every time. god, i feel like im being squeezed through a needle. i wish we could go back. it was better working for dad even when i got nothing, just daily alowance. i liked when he would drive us out of town to see the waterfall and we walked up those old wooden stairs. i just wanted a real job\n\n"
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