LethalCompany/Lethal Company/ExportedProject/Assets/MonoBehaviour/LogFile3.asset
2023-12-22 18:30:10 -05:00

39 lines
1.7 KiB

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displayText: "we got in the \"swing of things\" the past few days. thats what Rich keeps saying, he smells like a rancid tuna can. worst summer camp I've ever been o n. Date is August 27, 1968. \r\nwe make sure someone always has a shovel for bashing anything that moves, and we always put someone on \"camera duty\" so they can open these big security doors with letters and numbers. ask Desmond the wizard how that works, I think he just types in the code thats on the door\r. Thats it\n\r\nwe sold some goods to the company today at 70% value. i got m y nerves chilled listening to the fuckng PYSCHOTIC soundfs behind the counter. No one else gave any. ?? \r\nCant ignore that! my flashlight didn't even go back there, the beam just went dark.\n\n"
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