LethalCompany/Lethal Company/ExportedProject/Assets/Scripts/Assembly-CSharp/QuotaSettings.cs
2023-12-22 18:30:10 -05:00

26 lines
674 B

using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class QuotaSettings
[Tooltip("The starting profit quota")]
public int startingQuota = 300;
public int startingCredits = 60;
public int deadlineDaysAmount = 4;
[Tooltip("Higher value means a less steep exponential increase")]
public float increaseSteepness = 4f;
[Tooltip("The minimum amount to increase")]
public float baseIncrease = 200f;
[Tooltip("A random Y coordinate on this line is picked and multiplied with the increase amount")]
public AnimationCurve randomizerCurve;
[Tooltip("This determines the severity of the randomizer curve")]
public float randomizerMultiplier = 1f;