LethalCompany/Lethal Company/ExportedProject/Assets/MonoBehaviour/LogFile4.asset
2023-12-22 18:30:10 -05:00

39 lines
1.7 KiB

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displayText: "date is August 31, 1968. i got camera duty again, i hate walking on this moon anyway. ahah jokes on them it, just started raining!!! Im just sitting. cant sleep on these tiny beds for ants\n\n\nIve been thinking a lot. i think this job is shady. If youre reading this you probbably got here the same as me. the pay is good, the contract only lasts a season. they ran you through their \"assessmennt exam\" on the phone with a weird voice. you signed the contract on the shuttle with the rest of your crew. But the whole time you didnt talk to anyone. The shuttle was autopiloted, I think the voice on the phone was fake. I;ve had the wrost dreams, I think I just want to go back home. but im not gonna crawl home, crying and scratching on dad's front door. thats not his son. thats not Sigurd!\n\n"
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