LethalCompany/Lethal Company/ExportedProject/Assets/Plugins/Assembly-CSharp-firstpass/ES3File.cs
2023-12-22 18:30:10 -05:00

429 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using ES3Internal;
public class ES3File
public static Dictionary<string, ES3File> cachedFiles = new Dictionary<string, ES3File>();
public ES3Settings settings;
private Dictionary<string, ES3Data> cache = new Dictionary<string, ES3Data>();
private bool syncWithFile;
private DateTime timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
public ES3File()
: this(new ES3Settings(), syncWithFile: true)
public ES3File(string filePath)
: this(new ES3Settings(filePath), syncWithFile: true)
public ES3File(string filePath, ES3Settings settings)
: this(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings), syncWithFile: true)
public ES3File(ES3Settings settings)
: this(settings, syncWithFile: true)
public ES3File(bool syncWithFile)
: this(new ES3Settings(), syncWithFile)
public ES3File(string filePath, bool syncWithFile)
: this(new ES3Settings(filePath), syncWithFile)
public ES3File(string filePath, ES3Settings settings, bool syncWithFile)
: this(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings), syncWithFile)
public ES3File(ES3Settings settings, bool syncWithFile)
this.settings = settings;
this.syncWithFile = syncWithFile;
if (!syncWithFile)
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
eS3Settings.typeChecking = true;
using (ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(eS3Settings))
if (eS3Reader == null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ES3Data> item in eS3Reader.RawEnumerator)
cache[item.Key] = item.Value;
timestamp = ES3.GetTimestamp(eS3Settings);
public ES3File(byte[] bytes, ES3Settings settings = null)
if (settings == null)
this.settings = new ES3Settings();
this.settings = settings;
syncWithFile = true;
SaveRaw(bytes, settings);
public void Sync()
public void Sync(string filePath, ES3Settings settings = null)
Sync(new ES3Settings(filePath, settings));
public void Sync(ES3Settings settings = null)
if (settings == null)
settings = new ES3Settings();
if (cache.Count == 0)
using ES3Writer eS3Writer = ES3Writer.Create(settings, writeHeaderAndFooter: true, !syncWithFile, append: false);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ES3Data> item in cache)
eS3Writer.Write(type: (item.Value.type != null) ? item.Value.type.type : typeof(object), key: item.Key, value: item.Value.bytes);
public void Clear()
public string[] GetKeys()
Dictionary<string, ES3Data>.KeyCollection keys = cache.Keys;
string[] array = new string[keys.Count];
keys.CopyTo(array, 0);
return array;
public void Save<T>(string key, T value)
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
eS3Settings.encryptionType = ES3.EncryptionType.None;
eS3Settings.compressionType = ES3.CompressionType.None;
Type type = ((value != null) ? value.GetType() : typeof(T));
cache[key] = new ES3Data(ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(type), ES3.Serialize(value, eS3Settings));
public void SaveRaw(byte[] bytes, ES3Settings settings = null)
if (settings == null)
settings = new ES3Settings();
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
eS3Settings.typeChecking = true;
using ES3Reader eS3Reader = ES3Reader.Create(bytes, eS3Settings);
if (eS3Reader == null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ES3Data> item in eS3Reader.RawEnumerator)
cache[item.Key] = item.Value;
public void AppendRaw(byte[] bytes, ES3Settings settings = null)
if (settings == null)
settings = new ES3Settings();
SaveRaw(bytes, settings);
public object Load(string key)
return Load<object>(key);
public object Load(string key, object defaultValue)
return this.Load<object>(key, defaultValue);
public T Load<T>(string key)
if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Key \"" + key + "\" was not found in this ES3File. Use Load<T>(key, defaultValue) if you want to return a default value if the key does not exist.");
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
eS3Settings.encryptionType = ES3.EncryptionType.None;
eS3Settings.compressionType = ES3.CompressionType.None;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(object))
return (T)ES3.Deserialize(value.type, value.bytes, eS3Settings);
return ES3.Deserialize<T>(value.bytes, eS3Settings);
public T Load<T>(string key, T defaultValue)
if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
return defaultValue;
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
eS3Settings.encryptionType = ES3.EncryptionType.None;
eS3Settings.compressionType = ES3.CompressionType.None;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(object))
return (T)ES3.Deserialize(value.type, value.bytes, eS3Settings);
return ES3.Deserialize<T>(value.bytes, eS3Settings);
public void LoadInto<T>(string key, T obj) where T : class
if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Key \"" + key + "\" was not found in this ES3File. Use Load<T>(key, defaultValue) if you want to return a default value if the key does not exist.");
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
eS3Settings.encryptionType = ES3.EncryptionType.None;
eS3Settings.compressionType = ES3.CompressionType.None;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(object))
ES3.DeserializeInto(value.type, value.bytes, obj, eS3Settings);
ES3.DeserializeInto(value.bytes, obj, eS3Settings);
public byte[] LoadRawBytes()
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
if (!eS3Settings.postprocessRawCachedData)
eS3Settings.encryptionType = ES3.EncryptionType.None;
eS3Settings.compressionType = ES3.CompressionType.None;
return GetBytes(eS3Settings);
public string LoadRawString()
if (cache.Count == 0)
return "";
return settings.encoding.GetString(LoadRawBytes());
internal byte[] GetBytes(ES3Settings settings = null)
if (cache.Count == 0)
return new byte[0];
if (settings == null)
settings = this.settings;
using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
eS3Settings.location = ES3.Location.InternalMS;
if (!eS3Settings.postprocessRawCachedData)
eS3Settings.encryptionType = ES3.EncryptionType.None;
eS3Settings.compressionType = ES3.CompressionType.None;
using (ES3Writer eS3Writer = ES3Writer.Create(ES3Stream.CreateStream(memoryStream, eS3Settings, ES3FileMode.Write), eS3Settings, writeHeaderAndFooter: true, overwriteKeys: false))
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ES3Data> item in cache)
eS3Writer.Write(item.Key, item.Value.type.type, item.Value.bytes);
eS3Writer.Save(overwriteKeys: false);
return memoryStream.ToArray();
public void DeleteKey(string key)
public bool KeyExists(string key)
return cache.ContainsKey(key);
public int Size()
int num = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ES3Data> item in cache)
num += item.Value.bytes.Length;
return num;
public Type GetKeyType(string key)
if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Key \"" + key + "\" was not found in this ES3File. Use Load<T>(key, defaultValue) if you want to return a default value if the key does not exist.");
return value.type.type;
internal static ES3File GetOrCreateCachedFile(ES3Settings settings)
if (!cachedFiles.TryGetValue(settings.path, out var value))
value = new ES3File(settings, syncWithFile: false);
cachedFiles.Add(settings.path, value);
value.syncWithFile = true;
value.settings = settings;
return value;
internal static void CacheFile(ES3Settings settings)
if (settings.location == ES3.Location.Cache)
settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
settings.location = ((ES3Settings.defaultSettings.location != ES3.Location.Cache) ? ES3Settings.defaultSettings.location : ES3.Location.File);
if (ES3.FileExists(settings))
ES3Settings eS3Settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
eS3Settings.compressionType = ES3.CompressionType.None;
eS3Settings.encryptionType = ES3.EncryptionType.None;
cachedFiles[settings.path] = new ES3File(ES3.LoadRawBytes(eS3Settings), settings);
internal static void Store(ES3Settings settings = null)
if (settings == null)
settings = new ES3Settings(ES3.Location.File);
else if (settings.location == ES3.Location.Cache)
settings = (ES3Settings)settings.Clone();
settings.location = ((ES3Settings.defaultSettings.location != ES3.Location.Cache) ? ES3Settings.defaultSettings.location : ES3.Location.File);
if (!cachedFiles.TryGetValue(settings.path, out var value))
throw new FileNotFoundException("The file '" + settings.path + "' could not be stored because it could not be found in the cache.");
internal static void RemoveCachedFile(ES3Settings settings)
internal static void CopyCachedFile(ES3Settings oldSettings, ES3Settings newSettings)
if (!cachedFiles.TryGetValue(oldSettings.path, out var value))
throw new FileNotFoundException("The file '" + oldSettings.path + "' could not be copied because it could not be found in the cache.");
if (cachedFiles.ContainsKey(newSettings.path))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot copy file '" + oldSettings.path + "' to '" + newSettings.path + "' because '" + newSettings.path + "' already exists");
cachedFiles.Add(newSettings.path, (ES3File)value.MemberwiseClone());
internal static void DeleteKey(string key, ES3Settings settings)
if (cachedFiles.TryGetValue(settings.path, out var value))
internal static bool KeyExists(string key, ES3Settings settings)
if (cachedFiles.TryGetValue(settings.path, out var value))
return value.KeyExists(key);
return false;
internal static bool FileExists(ES3Settings settings)
return cachedFiles.ContainsKey(settings.path);
internal static string[] GetKeys(ES3Settings settings)
if (!cachedFiles.TryGetValue(settings.path, out var value))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not get keys from the file '" + settings.path + "' because it could not be found in the cache.");
return value.cache.Keys.ToArray();
internal static string[] GetFiles()
return cachedFiles.Keys.ToArray();
internal static DateTime GetTimestamp(ES3Settings settings)
if (!cachedFiles.TryGetValue(settings.path, out var value))
return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
return value.timestamp;