# WW Proto Dumper (Tree-Sitter ❤️ Reverse Engineering) This is a PoC and demo to show how one can use tree-sitter on dumped javascript netcode files for a certain game to extract fully intact proto files. To see its potential, you can run the following (replace `"REPLACEME"` in enum_2.scm with `"e"`): The Python code was my initial attempt at this, but my partially-implemented matches API had a bug, so I just opted to go with Rust. ```bash tree-sitter query queries/message.scm example_protocol.js ``` ```bash tree-sitter query queries/enum.scm example_protocol.js ``` ```bash tree-sitter query queries/enum_2.scm example_protocol.js ``` ```bash tree-sitter query queries/id.scm example_define.js ```