using System.Net; namespace FreeSR.Tool.Proxy { internal static class Program { private const string Title = "FreeSR Proxy"; private static ProxyService s_proxyService; private static EventHandler s_processExitHandler = new EventHandler(OnProcessExit); private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = Title; CheckProxy(); s_proxyService = new ProxyService("", 8888); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += s_processExitHandler; Thread.Sleep(-1); } private static void OnProcessExit(object sender, EventArgs args) { s_proxyService.Shutdown(); } public static void CheckProxy() { try { string ProxyInfo = GetProxyInfo(); if (ProxyInfo != null) { Console.WriteLine("well... It seems you are using other proxy software(such as Clash,V2RayN,Fiddler,etc)"); Console.WriteLine($"You system proxy: {ProxyInfo}"); Console.WriteLine("You have to close all other proxy software to make sure FreeSR.Tool.Proxy can work well."); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue if you closed other proxy software, or you think you are not using other proxy."); Console.ReadKey(); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { } } public static string GetProxyInfo() { try { IWebProxy proxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy(); Uri proxyUri = proxy.GetProxy(new Uri("")); string proxyIP = proxyUri.Host; int proxyPort = proxyUri.Port; string info = proxyIP + ":" + proxyPort; return info; } catch { return null; } } } }