use std::{ collections::HashSet, fs::{self, File}, io::{BufRead, BufReader}, path::Path, }; use quote::{quote, ToTokens}; use syn::{Field, GenericArgument, Item, PathArguments, Type, TypePath}; fn main() { let proto_file = "nap.proto"; if Path::new(&proto_file).exists() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={proto_file}"); let _ = fs::create_dir("out/"); prost_build::Config::new() .out_dir("out/") .type_attribute(".", "#[derive(trigger_protobuf_derive::CmdID)]") .type_attribute(".", "#[derive(trigger_protobuf_derive::XorFields)]") .compile_protos(&[proto_file], &["."]) .unwrap(); let pb_out = Path::new("out/"); remove_obfuscated_messages(pb_out, Path::new("nap.proto")).unwrap(); apply_message_attributes(pb_out).unwrap(); impl_struct_conversions( pb_out, Path::new("../trigger-protocol/src/"), Path::new("out/"), ) .unwrap(); } } fn impl_struct_conversions( protobuf_codegen_path: &Path, protocol_structures_path: &Path, output_path: &Path, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let pb_gen = syn::parse_file(&fs::read_to_string(protobuf_codegen_path)?).unwrap(); let custom_structs = syn::parse_file(&fs::read_to_string(protocol_structures_path)?).unwrap(); let mut from_impls = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); let mut pb_to_cp_unit_match_arms = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); let mut cp_unit_to_pb_match_arms = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); for item in pb_gen.items.iter() { let Item::Struct(pb) = item else { continue; }; let ident = &pb.ident; // if it has cmdid, then we want a PB <-> Common Protocol Unit conversion if pb.attrs.iter().any(|attr| { attr.meta .path() .get_ident() .map(|i| i == "cmdid") .unwrap_or(false) // Should be also defined in list of custom Common Protocol structures }) && custom_structs.items.iter().any(|st| { if let Item::Struct(cst) = st { &cst.ident == ident } else { false } }) { pb_to_cp_unit_match_arms.extend(quote! { #ident::CMD_ID => { let mut pb_message = #ident::decode(pb)?; pb_message.xor_fields(); let common_protocol_message = ::trigger_protocol::#ident::from(pb_message); Ok(Some(common_protocol_message.into())) } }); cp_unit_to_pb_match_arms.extend(quote! { ::trigger_protocol::#ident::CMD_ID => { let common_protocol_message = ::trigger_protocol::#ident::decode(&mut ::std::io::Cursor::new(&unit.blob))?; let mut pb_message = #ident::from(common_protocol_message); pb_message.xor_fields(); Ok(Some((#ident::CMD_ID, pb_message.encode_to_vec()))) } }); } let Some(Item::Struct(c_struct)) = custom_structs.items.iter().find(|i| { if let Item::Struct(s) = i { &s.ident == ident } else { false } }) else { continue; }; let mut assignments = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); pb .fields .iter() .filter(|pb_field| c_struct.fields.iter().any(|c_field| c_field.ident == pb_field.ident)) .map(|f| (f, f.ident.as_ref().unwrap())) .for_each(|(f, ident)| { if field_is_optional(f) { assignments.extend(quote! { #ident:|v| v.into()), }); } else if field_is_vector(f) { assignments.extend(quote! { #ident: value.#ident.into_iter().map(|v| v.into()).collect(), }); } else if field_is_hash_map(f) { assignments.extend(quote! { #ident: value.#ident.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.into(), v.into())).collect(), }); } else { assignments.extend(quote! { #ident: value.#ident.into(), }); } }); from_impls.extend(quote! { #[allow(unused)] impl From<#ident> for ::trigger_protocol::#ident { fn from(value: #ident) -> Self { Self { #assignments ..Default::default() } } } #[allow(unused)] impl From<::trigger_protocol::#ident> for #ident { fn from(value: ::trigger_protocol::#ident) -> Self { Self { #assignments ..Default::default() } } } }); } let generated_code = quote! { pub fn pb_to_common_protocol_unit(pb_cmd_id: u16, pb: &[u8]) -> Result, crate::ProtobufDecodeError> { match pb_cmd_id { #pb_to_cp_unit_match_arms _ => Ok(None), } } pub fn common_protocol_unit_to_pb(unit: &::trigger_protocol::util::ProtocolUnit) -> ::std::io::Result)>> { use ::trigger_encoding::Decodeable; use ::trigger_protocol::ClientCmdID; match unit.cmd_id { #cp_unit_to_pb_match_arms _ => Ok(None), } } #from_impls }; std::fs::write( output_path, &prettyplease::unparse(&syn::parse2(generated_code).unwrap()), )?; Ok(()) } fn remove_obfuscated_messages(codegen_path: &Path, proto_path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> { // Remove unused obfuscated messages to reduce compilation time let mut obfuscated_names = HashSet::new(); let proto_file = File::open(proto_path)?; let reader = BufReader::new(proto_file); for line in reader.lines() { let line = line?; let name = if line.starts_with("message ") { line.split(' ').nth(1).unwrap() } else if line.contains('=') { let split = line.trim().split('=').nth(0).unwrap().trim().split(' '); split.last().unwrap() } else { continue; }; // length=11 & uppercase => obfuscated name if name.len() == 11 && !name.chars().fold(false, |b, ch| b || ch.is_lowercase()) { obfuscated_names.insert(name.to_string()); } } let codegen = syn::parse_file(&std::fs::read_to_string(codegen_path).unwrap()).unwrap(); let mut optimized = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); for item in codegen.items.iter() { match item { syn::Item::Struct(st) => { let name = &st.ident; let attrs = &st.attrs; if obfuscated_names.contains(&name.to_string().to_uppercase()) { continue; } let mut struct_fields = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); for field in st.fields.iter() { if obfuscated_names .contains(&field.ident.as_ref().unwrap().to_string().to_uppercase()) { continue; } let ft = extract_type(&field.ty); if !obfuscated_names.contains(&ft.to_uppercase()) { struct_fields.extend(quote::quote! { #field, }); } } optimized.extend(quote::quote! { #(#attrs)* pub struct #name { #struct_fields } }); } syn::Item::Mod(module) => { if obfuscated_names.contains(&module.ident.to_string().to_uppercase()) { continue; } let mod_name = &module.ident; let mut mod_items = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(); for item in module.content.as_ref().unwrap().1.iter() { if let Item::Enum(en) = &item { let attrs = &en.attrs; let name = &en.ident; let mut variants = Vec::new(); for variant in en.variants.iter() { let field = variant.fields.iter().next().unwrap(); if !obfuscated_names.contains(&extract_type(&field.ty).to_uppercase()) { variants.push(variant); } } mod_items.extend(quote::quote! { #(#attrs)* pub enum #name { #(#variants),* } }); } } optimized.extend(quote::quote! { pub mod #mod_name { #mod_items } }); } _ => { optimized.extend(item.to_token_stream()); } } } std::fs::write( codegen_path, prettyplease::unparse(&syn::parse2(optimized).unwrap()), )?; Ok(()) } fn apply_message_attributes(path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<()> { let file = File::open(path)?; let reader = BufReader::new(file); let mut output = Vec::new(); let mut cmd_id_attr = None; for line in reader.lines() { let line = line?; if line.contains("xor const: ") { if !line.contains("xor const: 0") { output.push(make_xor_attr(&line).unwrap()); } } else if line.contains("CmdID: ") { cmd_id_attr = Some(make_cmd_id_attr(&line).unwrap()); } else { output.push(line); if let Some(attr) = cmd_id_attr.take() { output.push(attr); } } } fs::write(path, output.join("\n").as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } #[must_use] fn field_is_optional(field: &Field) -> bool { match &field.ty { Type::Path(TypePath { path, .. }) => { let last_segment = path.segments.last().unwrap(); last_segment.ident == "Option" } _ => panic!("Unsupported field type"), } } #[must_use] fn field_is_vector(field: &Field) -> bool { match &field.ty { Type::Path(TypePath { path, .. }) => { let last_segment = path.segments.last().unwrap(); last_segment.ident == "Vec" } _ => panic!("Unsupported field type"), } } #[must_use] fn field_is_hash_map(field: &Field) -> bool { match &field.ty { Type::Path(TypePath { path, .. }) => { let last_segment = path.segments.last().unwrap(); last_segment.ident == "HashMap" } _ => panic!("Unsupported field type"), } } fn make_xor_attr(line: &str) -> Option { let xor_value = line.split("xor const: ").nth(1)?.parse::().ok()?; Some(format!(" #[xor({xor_value})]")) } fn make_cmd_id_attr(line: &str) -> Option { let cmd_id = line.split("CmdID: ").nth(1)?.parse::().ok()?; Some(format!("#[cmdid({cmd_id})]")) } #[must_use] fn get_type_name(path: &syn::Path) -> String { path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string() } #[must_use] fn extract_type(ty: &Type) -> String { match &ty { Type::Path(TypePath { path, .. }) => { let last_segment = path.segments.last().unwrap(); match &last_segment.arguments { PathArguments::AngleBracketed(args) => { if let Some(GenericArgument::Type(Type::Path(TypePath { path, .. }))) = args.args.last() { get_type_name(path) } else { get_type_name(path) } } _ => get_type_name(path), } } _ => panic!("Unsupported field type"), } }