Library of Genshin Impact's Release, Beta and Audio files
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2022-07-29 21:09:18 +08:00
GenshinImpact 1.3.0 2022-07-29 15:33:56 +08:00
GenshinImpact_Beta CBT2 2022-07-29 14:56:42 +08:00
Yuanshen 2.0.0 2022-07-29 15:05:06 +08:00
Yuanshen_Beta CBT3 2022-07-29 15:03:27 +08:00 Update 2022-07-29 21:09:18 +08:00


What's inside

  • Links of the "autopatchhk" and "autopatchcn" version of the Genshin/Yuanshen Release, Beta and Audio files

What is "autoptachhk" and "autopatchcn"

  • autopatchhk - Genshin Impact
  • autopatchcn - Yuanshen

What's the difference between Genshin and Yuanshen?

  • Genshin Impact - Global Version
  • Yuanshen - Chinese Version

Note: This repo will update from time to time when new version of the game gets released.