# NaviaImpact A Server emulator for the game [`Genshin Impact`](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/) ![screenshot](https://git.xeondev.com/reversedrooms/NaviaImpact/raw/branch/master/screenshot.png) ## Installation ### From Source #### Requirements - [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) #### Building ```sh git clone https://git.xeondev.com/reversedrooms/NaviaImpact.git cd NaviaImpact cargo build --bin gameserver --release cargo build --bin sdkserver --release ``` ### From Pre-built Binaries Navigate to the [Releases](https://git.xeondev.com/reversedrooms/NaviaImpact/releases) page and download the latest release for your platform. ## Usage To begin using the server, you need to run both the SDK server and the game server. ```sh gameserver.exe sdkserver.exe ``` If you installed from pre-built binaries, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the binaries and either a) double-click on the following executable names or b) run the following in a terminal: ```sh start gameserver.exe start sdkserver.exe ``` ## Connecting Get GI 4.5.0 client from somewhere, put patch [version.dll](https://git.xeondev.com/reversedrooms/hk4e-patch/releases/download/0.1.0/version.dll) file in your game folder, it will redirect game traffic and patch cryptography ## Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change, and why. ## Bug Reports If you find a bug, please open an issue with as much detail as possible. If you can, please include steps to reproduce the bug. Bad issues such as "This doesn't work" will be closed immediately, be _sure_ to provide exact detailed steps to reproduce your bug. If it's hard to reproduce, try to explain it and write a reproducer as best as you can.