168 lines
5.9 KiB
168 lines
5.9 KiB
"1": "Defeat all enemies within {0} secs.",
"2": "Complete Time {0}",
"3": "Exit in {0} secs",
"4": "Challenge Complete",
"5": "Challenge Failed",
"6": "Challenge Complete",
"7": "Extra Mission",
"8": "Commision Start",
"9": "Mission Complete",
"10": "Countdown",
"11": "",
"12": "",
"13": "Cannot Open Map",
"14": "Defend target from enemies",
"15": "",
"16": "Rage on and on……",
"17": "Defending Target HP 100%",
"18": "Current: 0/100",
"19": "Trial Character",
"20": "Complete all tutorial to complete the Trial",
"21": "Tutorial begin",
"22": "Complete current tutorial to move on to the next",
"23": "Healing Finished",
"24": "Defeat all enemies within 600 secs",
"25": "Rage on and on……",
"26": "HP Recovered",
"27": "Defeat all enemies within 300 secs.",
"28": "System unavailable",
"29": "Setting changes will take effect in next time openning the game.",
"30": "Defend the target and defeat all enemies",
"31": "",
"32": "Zero Point Research Station F1",
"33": "Defeat all enemies",
"34": "Zero Point Research Station F2",
"35": "Defeat all enemies",
"36": "Zero Point Research Station F3",
"37": "Increase enemy ATK by 10%, 50% max, after each time it hit a target.",
"38": "Zero Point Research Station F4",
"39": "Increase enemy ATK by 10%, 50% max, after each time it hit a target.",
"40": "Zero Point Research Station F5",
"41": "Enemy recover 3.5% of max HP every 5 secs.",
"42": "Zero Point Research Station F6",
"43": "Enemy recover 3.5% of max HP every 5 secs.",
"44": "Zero Point Research Station F7",
"45": "On-field characters will lose 1.5% of max HP every sec.",
"46": "Zero Point Research Station F8",
"47": "On-field characters will lose 1.5% of max HP every sec.",
"48": "Zero Point Research Station F9",
"49": "Increase enemy ATK by 50%. Increase the team's Stamina Recovery SPD.",
"50": "Ambience",
"51": "Interact with Sound String to activate Ambience",
"52": "",
"53": "Increase enemy ATK by 10% after each it hit a target.",
"54": "",
"55": "Enemy recover 3.5% of max HP every 5 secs.",
"56": "",
"57": "On-field characters will lose 1.5% of max HP every sec.",
"58": "",
"59": "Increase enemy ATK by 50%. Increase the team's Stamina Recovery SPD.",
"60": "Challenge Complete",
"61": "Challenge Complete. You can exit the challenge by interact with the exit.",
"62": "Challenge Complete",
"63": "You can use Crystallized Plates to exchange for rewards, and then interact with exit to leave.",
"64": "New file unlocked",
"65": "Complete multiple shooting practice in limited time.",
"66": "First-time Challenge Complete",
"67": "Your Backpack is full.",
"68": "Mail deleted",
"69": "Rewards Claimed",
"70": "Mails recalled",
"71": "Rewards in expired mails cannot be claimed.",
"72": "Backpack full, rewards have been sent in mail.",
"73": "",
"74": "Commission Complete",
"75": "Head to the Pioneer Association to claim your rewards",
"76": "Side Sprint Locked",
"77": "Please read and click following agreement before you start the game.",
"78": "Can type in at most 12 characters.",
"79": "",
"80": "This Rover is in your Friend list",
"81": "This Rover is not in your Friend list.",
"82": "Application record unfound.",
"83": "Friend list is full",
"84": "Your friend list is full",
"85": "This Rover's friend list is full.",
"86": "Friend application sent",
"87": "This Rover is in your Blocklist",
"88": "This Rover is not in your Blocklist",
"89": "Blocklist is full",
"90": "You've been added to this Rover's blocklist.",
"91": "You cannot search for yourself.",
"92": "This Rover is in your Friend Applications.",
"93": "UID copied in clipboard.",
"94": "You've added {0} in blocklist",
"95": "You've removed {0} from blocklist",
"96": "You've reach the limit for daily application",
"97": "You've sent the application previously",
"98": "This Rover has remove you from Friend list",
"99": "Friend application invalid",
"100": "Friend deleted",
"101": "Please select the grid on the left.",
"102": "Saved",
"103": "Trial characters cannot be teleported",
"104": "Trial characters cannot enter Ambience",
"105": "Trial characters cannot get in co-op.",
"106": "Trial characters cannot be set in team",
"107": "Insufficient materials.",
"108": "Insufficient Tacetite",
"109": "EXP Maxed",
"110": "Open too fast",
"111": "You've master {0} cooking.",
"112": "Insufficient amount",
"113": "Insufficient materials.",
"114": "Please put in ingredients",
"115": "Upgrade requirement not complete.",
"116": "Result will take effect in next day",
"117": "No completed mission",
"118": "Daily Commision Complete",
"119": "You can exchange for rewards now.",
"120": "Probe target acquired",
"121": "",
"122": "",
"123": "Tacet Field Unlocked",
"124": "Tacet Field Unlocked",
"125": "Unlock requirement not complete",
"126": "Don't rush in unknown area for now.",
"127": "Cannot set more active characters.",
"128": "You need set at least one character in the team",
"129": "Locked",
"130": "This Rover is offline or UID incorrect",
"131": "Character Locked {0}",
"132": "You cannot lock more character",
"133": "You've master {0} crafting.",
"134": "Upgrade requirement not complete.",
"135": "Star Align not open",
"136": "Current Star Align items cannot be purchased",
"137": "Payment is unavailabie in this test, cannot purchase.",
"138": "You cannot start tutorial in current scene.",
"139": "Mission {0} is currently under maintenance.",
"140": "Please type in here",
"141": "You've published Reverberation here.",
"142": "",
"143": "You cannot place Reverberation here.",
"144": "You cannot place more Reverberation",
"145": "You cannot place Reverberation in Co-op",
"146": "Liked",
"147": "Disliked",
"148": "",
"149": "",
"150": "You cannot take photo with current state.",
"151": "Photo saved to folder /{0}",
"152": "",
"153": "",
"154": "",
"155": "",
"156": "",
"157": "",
"158": "",
"159": "",
"160": "",
"161": "",
"162": "",
"163": "",
"164": "",
"165": "",
"166": ""
} |