use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; use ilhook::x64::Registers; use windows::core::{PCSTR, PCWSTR, w}; use windows::Win32::Foundation::HINSTANCE; use windows::Win32::System::Console; use windows::Win32::System::LibraryLoader::GetModuleHandleA; use windows::Win32::System::SystemServices::DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH; use interceptor::Interceptor; use offsets::CONFIG; mod interceptor; mod offsets; fn thread_func() { unsafe { Console::AllocConsole() }.unwrap(); println!("Wuthering Waves essential binary patcher"); println!("Don't forget to visit"); println!("Waiting for ACE init"); let module = unsafe { GetModuleHandleA(PCSTR::null()) }.unwrap(); let pak_file_offset = ((module.0 as usize) + CONFIG.f_pak_file_check) as *const u128; loop { if unsafe { std::ptr::read(pak_file_offset) } == CONFIG.f_pak_file_check_preamble { println!("ACE Initialization finished"); break; } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)) } let mut interceptor = Interceptor::new(); interceptor .replace((module.0 as usize) + CONFIG.f_pak_file_check, fpakfile_check_replacement) .unwrap(); let module = unsafe { GetModuleHandleA(PCSTR::null()) }.unwrap(); println!("Game base: {:X}", module.0 as usize); interceptor .attach((module.0 as usize) + CONFIG.kuro_http_get, on_kurohttp_get) .unwrap(); let krsdk_ex = loop { match unsafe { GetModuleHandleA(CONFIG.disable_sdk.sdk_dll) } { Ok(handle) => break handle, Err(_) => thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)), } }; interceptor .replace((krsdk_ex.0 as usize) + CONFIG.disable_sdk.eula_accept, dummy) .unwrap(); interceptor .replace((krsdk_ex.0 as usize) + CONFIG.disable_sdk.sdk_go_away, dummy) .unwrap(); println!("Successfully initialized!"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(u64::MAX)); } unsafe extern "win64" fn on_kurohttp_get(reg: *mut Registers, _: usize) { let wstr = *((*reg).rcx as *const usize) as *mut u16; let url = PCWSTR::from_raw(wstr).to_string().unwrap(); println!("HTTP GET: {url}"); if url.ends_with("/index.json") { println!("index.json requested, redirecting"); let new_wstr = w!(""); std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(new_wstr.as_ptr(), wstr, new_wstr.as_wide().len() + 2); } } unsafe extern "win64" fn fpakfile_check_replacement( reg: *mut Registers, _: usize, _: usize, ) -> usize { let wstr = *(((*reg).rcx + 8) as *const usize) as *const u16; let pak_name = PCWSTR::from_raw(wstr).to_string().unwrap(); println!("Trying to verify pak: {pak_name}, returning true"); 1 } unsafe extern "win64" fn dummy(_: *mut Registers, _: usize, _: usize) -> usize { 1 } #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn DllMain(_: HINSTANCE, call_reason: u32, _: *mut ()) -> bool { if call_reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH { thread::spawn(|| thread_func()); } true }