use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use std::sync::OnceLock; type OodleDecompress = fn(comp_buf: &[u8], raw_buf: &mut [u8]) -> i32; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] type OodleLZ_Decompress = unsafe extern "win64" fn( compBuf: *const u8, compBufSize: usize, rawBuf: *mut u8, rawLen: usize, fuzzSafe: u32, checkCRC: u32, verbosity: u32, decBufBase: u64, decBufSize: usize, fpCallback: u64, callbackUserData: u64, decoderMemory: *mut u8, decoderMemorySize: usize, threadPhase: u32, ) -> i32; pub fn decompress() -> OodleDecompress { #[cfg(windows)] return windows_oodle::decompress_wrapper_windows; #[cfg(unix)] return linux_oodle::get_oodle_linux(); } fn call_decompress(comp_buf: &[u8], raw_buf: &mut [u8], decompress: OodleLZ_Decompress) -> i32 { unsafe { decompress( comp_buf.as_ptr(), comp_buf.len(), raw_buf.as_mut_ptr(), raw_buf.len(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, std::ptr::null_mut(), 0, 3, ) } } static OODLE_HASH: [u8; 20] = hex_literal::hex!("4bcc73614cb8fd2b0bce8d0f91ee5f3202d9d624"); fn fetch_oodle() -> Result { use sha1::{Digest, Sha1}; let oodle_path = std::env::current_exe()?.with_file_name("oo2core_9_win64.dll"); if !oodle_path.exists() { let mut compressed = vec![]; ureq::get("") .call()? .into_reader().read_to_end(&mut compressed)?; let mut decompressed = vec![]; lzma_rs::lzma_decompress(&mut std::io::Cursor::new(compressed), &mut decompressed).unwrap(); std::fs::write(&oodle_path, decompressed)?; } let mut hasher = Sha1::new(); hasher.update(std::fs::read(&oodle_path)?); let hash = hasher.finalize(); (hash[..] == OODLE_HASH).then_some(()).ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!( "oodle hash mismatch expected: {} got: {} ", hex::encode(OODLE_HASH), hex::encode(hash) ) })?; Ok(oodle_path) } #[cfg(windows)] mod windows_oodle { use super::*; use anyhow::Context; static DECOMPRESS: OnceLock<(OodleLZ_Decompress, libloading::Library)> = OnceLock::new(); pub fn decompress_wrapper_windows(comp_buf: &[u8], raw_buf: &mut [u8]) -> i32 { let decompress = DECOMPRESS.get_or_init(|| { let path = fetch_oodle().context("failed to fetch oodle").unwrap(); let lib = unsafe { libloading::Library::new(path) } .context("failed to load oodle") .unwrap(); (*unsafe { lib.get(b"OodleLZ_Decompress") }.unwrap(), lib) }); call_decompress(comp_buf, raw_buf, decompress.0) } } #[cfg(unix)] mod linux_oodle { use super::*; use anyhow::Result; use object::pe::{ ImageNtHeaders64, IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE, }; use object::read::pe::{ImageOptionalHeader, ImageThunkData, PeFile64}; use object::{LittleEndian as LE, Object, ObjectSection}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ffi::{c_void, CStr}; #[repr(C)] struct ThreadInformationBlock { exception_list: *const c_void, stack_base: *const c_void, stack_limit: *const c_void, sub_system_tib: *const c_void, fiber_data: *const c_void, arbitrary_user_pointer: *const c_void, teb: *const c_void, } const TIB: ThreadInformationBlock = ThreadInformationBlock { exception_list: std::ptr::null(), stack_base: std::ptr::null(), stack_limit: std::ptr::null(), sub_system_tib: std::ptr::null(), fiber_data: std::ptr::null(), arbitrary_user_pointer: std::ptr::null(), teb: std::ptr::null(), }; static DECOMPRESS: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); fn decompress_wrapper(comp_buf: &[u8], raw_buf: &mut [u8]) -> i32 { unsafe { // Set GS register in calling thread const ARCH_SET_GS: i32 = 0x1001; libc::syscall(libc::SYS_arch_prctl, ARCH_SET_GS, &TIB); // Call actual decompress function call_decompress(comp_buf, raw_buf, *DECOMPRESS.get().unwrap()) } } #[allow(non_snake_case)] mod imports { use super::*; pub unsafe extern "win64" fn OutputDebugStringA(string: *const std::ffi::c_char) { print!("[OODLE] {}", CStr::from_ptr(string).to_string_lossy()); } pub unsafe extern "win64" fn GetProcessHeap() -> *const c_void { 0x12345678 as *const c_void } pub unsafe extern "win64" fn HeapAlloc( _heap: *const c_void, flags: i32, size: usize, ) -> *const c_void { assert_eq!(0, flags); libc::malloc(size) } pub unsafe extern "win64" fn HeapFree( _heap: *const c_void, _flags: i32, ptr: *mut c_void, ) -> bool { libc::free(ptr); true } pub unsafe extern "win64" fn memset( ptr: *mut c_void, value: i32, num: usize, ) -> *const c_void { libc::memset(ptr, value, num) } pub unsafe extern "win64" fn memmove( destination: *mut c_void, source: *const c_void, num: usize, ) -> *const c_void { libc::memmove(destination, source, num) } pub unsafe extern "win64" fn memcpy( destination: *mut c_void, source: *const c_void, num: usize, ) -> *const c_void { libc::memcpy(destination, source, num) } } // Create some unique function pointers to use for unimplemented imports const DEBUG_FNS: [*const fn(); 100] = gen_debug_fns(); static mut DEBUG_NAMES: [&str; 100] = [""; 100]; const fn gen_debug_fns() -> [*const fn(); 100] { fn log() { unimplemented!("import {:?}", unsafe { DEBUG_NAMES[I] }); } let mut array = [std::ptr::null(); 100]; seq_macro::seq!(N in 0..100 { array[N] = log:: as *const fn(); }); array } pub fn get_oodle_linux() -> OodleDecompress { DECOMPRESS.get_or_init(|| get_decompress_inner().unwrap()); decompress_wrapper } fn get_decompress_inner() -> Result { fetch_oodle().ok(); let oodle = std::env::current_exe() .unwrap() .with_file_name("oo2core_9_win64.dll"); let dll = std::fs::read(&oodle)?; let obj_file = PeFile64::parse(&*dll)?; let size = obj_file.nt_headers().optional_header.size_of_image() as usize; let header_size = obj_file.nt_headers().optional_header.size_of_headers() as usize; let image_base = obj_file.relative_address_base() as usize; // Create map let mmap = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut( libc::mmap( std::ptr::null_mut(), size, libc::PROT_READ | libc::PROT_WRITE, libc::MAP_PRIVATE | libc::MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0, ) as *mut u8, size, ) }; let map_base = mmap.as_ptr(); // Copy header to map mmap[0..header_size].copy_from_slice(&dll[0..header_size]); unsafe { assert_eq!( 0, libc::mprotect( mmap.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void, header_size, libc::PROT_READ ) ); } // Copy section data to map for section in obj_file.sections() { let address = section.address() as usize; let data =; mmap[(address - image_base)..(address - image_base + data.len())] .copy_from_slice(; } // Apply relocations let sections = obj_file.section_table(); let mut blocks = obj_file .data_directories() .relocation_blocks(&*dll, §ions)? .unwrap(); while let Some(block) = { let block_address = block.virtual_address(); let block_data = sections.pe_data_at(&*dll, block_address).map(object::Bytes); for reloc in block { let offset = (reloc.virtual_address - block_address) as usize; match reloc.typ { IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 => { let addend = block_data .and_then(|data| data.read_at::>(offset).ok()) .map(|addend| addend.get(LE)); if let Some(addend) = addend { mmap[reloc.virtual_address as usize ..reloc.virtual_address as usize + 8] .copy_from_slice(&u64::to_le_bytes( addend - image_base as u64 + map_base as u64, )); } } _ => unimplemented!(), } } } // Fix up imports let import_table = obj_file.import_table()?.unwrap(); let mut import_descs = import_table.descriptors()?; let mut i = 0; while let Some(import_desc) = { let mut thunks = import_table.thunks(import_desc.original_first_thunk.get(LE))?; let mut address = import_desc.first_thunk.get(LE) as usize; while let Some(thunk) = { let (_hint, name) = import_table.hint_name(thunk.address())?; let name = String::from_utf8_lossy(name).to_string(); use imports::*; let fn_addr = match name.as_str() { "OutputDebugStringA" => OutputDebugStringA as usize, "GetProcessHeap" => GetProcessHeap as usize, "HeapAlloc" => HeapAlloc as usize, "HeapFree" => HeapFree as usize, "memset" => memset as usize, "memcpy" => memcpy as usize, "memmove" => memmove as usize, _ => { unsafe { DEBUG_NAMES[i] = name.leak() } let a = DEBUG_FNS[i] as usize; i += 1; a } }; mmap[address..address + 8].copy_from_slice(&usize::to_le_bytes(fn_addr)); address += 8; } } // Build export table let mut exports = HashMap::new(); for export in obj_file.exports()? { let name = String::from_utf8_lossy(; let address = export.address() - image_base as u64 + map_base as u64; exports.insert(name, address as *const c_void); } // Fix section permissions for section in obj_file.sections() { let address = section.address() as usize; let data =; let size = data.len(); let mut permissions = 0; let flags = match section.flags() { object::SectionFlags::Coff { characteristics } => characteristics, _ => unreachable!(), }; if 0 != flags & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ { permissions |= libc::PROT_READ; } if 0 != flags & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE { permissions |= libc::PROT_WRITE; } if 0 != flags & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE { permissions |= libc::PROT_EXEC; } unsafe { assert_eq!( 0, libc::mprotect( mmap.as_mut_ptr().add(address - image_base) as *mut c_void, size, permissions ) ); } } // Break things! Ok(unsafe { std::mem::transmute(exports["OodleLZ_Decompress"]) }) } }